Insights 🌍 "Build back better" is a phrase associated with the Great Reset, a concept discussed by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum. 💰 The elites are using the pandemic as an excuse to...
View PostInsights 💰 Money will be shut off once individuals go beyond their 15-minute radius, highlighting the potential control and surveillance mechanisms associated with this system. 💰 The mark of the beast, as described in Revelation...
View PostInsights 📚 The topic of Klaus Schwab and the world economic forum's connection to the mark of the beast is a fascinating and intriguing subject that will be discussed in the upcoming prophecy conference. 💡...
View PostInsights 🌍 The regional conflict in Israel, as described in Jeremiah 49, Psalm 83, and Ezekiel 38-39, could potentially escalate within a matter of days. 🤯 The speaker predicts that while the political structure of...
View PostInsights 📚 "This is a huge issue because it determines how we live and prepare for eternity." 🙏 Surprisingly, even among born-again Christians, only 9% have a Biblical worldview, indicating a significant lack of alignment...
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