Insights Seeking and Aligning with God's Will 🤔 God has a personal interest in individuals and has a purpose, plan, and desire for their lives. 💡 God has a purpose, plan, and will for our...
View PostInsights 😇 "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials," knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance. 😊 "Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter trials." - Trials...
View PostInsights 🙏 "The word hope is a very, very important word. It's a word of optimism, a word of cheerfulness, expectation. All of us need hope about many different things in life." 🌟 This story...
View PostInsights The Role and Presence of the Holy Spirit 🙏 The Holy Spirit is described as a Helper who is with believers throughout their lives, providing guidance and support. 🙏 "God has very specifically said,...
View PostInsights ✍️ Practice the truth to experience an awesome sense of peace in your life. 💫 "Many people live their lives wondering about their relationship with God and what will happen when they die, but...
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