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Patience – Essential to Experiencing God’s Best: Charles Stanley


God’s Guidance and Protection

πŸ’ͺ God has equipped us to fulfill His calling and purpose for our lives, beyond just attending church and hearing sermons.

πŸ™ Impatience arises when we insist on having something that God doesn’t want us to have, as He knows what’s best for us and is our greatest protector.

πŸ™ When God says no, it’s not rejection but protection, as He has a divine reason for it that is ultimately for our benefit.

πŸ™ Don’t make decisions based on what God hasn’t told you not to do, but wait for Him to reveal what you should do.

πŸ’ When making important decisions like who to marry, it’s crucial to seek and follow the will of God rather than relying on external factors.

πŸ™ God never misleads us, but it is our responsibility to listen and follow His will to avoid making wrong decisions.

πŸ™ God is always available to give clear direction for our lives if we ask Him, but we must be willing to listen and be obedient to His guidance.

🌊 “At times. When I thought, ‘Well, Lord, I’m coming to the edge over here, and if You don’t do something soon, I’m gonna fall off the edge.’ What? Do you know who’s on the other side of the edge? Almighty God. You’re not going to fall off the edge.”

πŸ™ If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have within you the ultimate Counselor for every single situation in life.

πŸ€” When God says no to our prayers, it is a way of Him saying “I love you,” rather than something to get angry about.

πŸ™ God is willing to speak to us personally and show us what we should do, whether through His Word, someone else, or circumstances.

Patience and Trust in God’s Timing

⏳ God’s timing may not align with our finite minds, but if we wait patiently for His guidance, we can avoid making decisions that lead to trouble and regret.


TLDR: Patience is essential in seeking God’s guidance, making wise decisions, and experiencing His best in life.

  1. πŸ™ Patience is essential for experiencing God’s best in life, as it empowers us to face challenges, make wise decisions, and trust that God will answer our prayers.

1.1 When we trust Jesus as our Savior, the Holy Spirit seals us and equips us to live out the life of Christ, empowering us to face any challenge or circumstance.

1.2 Patience is a gift from God that is essential for experiencing His best in life, as it affects every aspect of our actions and timing is crucial in all areas.

1.3 The Holy Spirit guides us and gives us patience to make wise decisions in our Christian life.

1.4 To experience God’s best, we must wait patiently for Him, be strong, take courage, rest in the Lord, and trust that He will hear and answer our prayers.

  1. πŸ•ŠοΈ Patience is essential in experiencing God’s best, as waiting for His direction protects us from trouble and helps us avoid the negative consequences of society’s obsession with instant gratification.

2.1 Patience is defined as quiet and uncomplaining endurance under stress or annoyance, or being long-tempered, and ultimately it is the will to wait.

2.2 Waiting for God’s direction is essential, even when we don’t understand, because He knows what’s best for us and impatience can lead us away from His plan.

2.3 When God says no, it is for our protection and waiting for His direction is essential to avoid trouble in various aspects of life.

2.4 Society’s obsession with instant gratification has led to corruption and a lack of patience, resulting in people accumulating debt, constantly changing homes and cars, and returning clothes after a few months of use.

  1. πŸ•ŠοΈ Being patient and seeking God’s guidance is crucial, as impatience can lead to destructive decisions and misinterpretation of scripture, while the Holy Spirit is available to provide direction and guidance in all areas of our lives.

3.1 Being patient and waiting for God’s guidance is important, as making decisions without His input can lead to negative consequences.

3.2 Impatience leads to destruction in our lives because we often expect God to give us what we want, even if it’s not good for us, and we misinterpret scripture to justify our desires.

3.3 The Holy Spirit, who lives within believers, is there to provide direction and guidance in every aspect of their lives, and not listening to Him can lead to a messed up life.

  1. πŸ™ Patience is essential in maintaining a right relationship with God, making the right decisions, and experiencing His best, requiring faith, obedience, discernment, and love.

4.1 God cares about every aspect of your life and is willing to give you clear direction if you are patient and listen to Him.

4.2 Patience is essential in maintaining a right relationship with God and in making the right decisions in life, as it is a fruit of the Holy Spirit and allows us to follow God’s will and walk in His ways.

4.3 To be patient, one must have faith in God, an obedient spirit, and discernment of God’s timing.

4.4 To experience God’s best, we must be patient and love Him, as His love for us has no limitations.

  1. πŸ™ God wants the best for us, but it requires courage and patience to seek His guidance and wait for His answers, even when it’s something we don’t want or when He takes away something we do want.

5.1 God will make it known to us when what we want is not of Him, and He will say no by giving us an uneasy or scary feeling.

5.2 God wants the best for us, but many people only love Him until He asks something they don’t want or takes away something they do want, such as making decisions without seeking His guidance.

5.3 God is always available to give clear direction for our lives, but it takes courage and patience to be obedient and wait for His answers.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in God’s guidance and be patient, waiting for His direction in difficult situations, as He wants the best outcome for you.

6.1 When feeling like you’re about to fall off the edge, remember that Almighty God is on the other side.

6.2 God wants us to have patience and trust in Him, as He guides and teaches us in making wise choices for our best outcome.

6.3 If you’re a follower of Jesus, you have the ultimate Counselor who will direct you in difficult situations, and if patience is the will to wait, you should be willing to wait until God tells you what to do.

  1. πŸ•ŠοΈ Patience is crucial for obedience to God, building relationships, and guiding others, as it allows us to share God’s wisdom and counsel with perfect timing.

7.1 Patience is essential for obedience to God and for building good relationships with others.

7.2 Patience is essential in all aspects of life, including relationships, work, and parenting, as it allows us to understand and guide others who may make mistakes or wrong decisions.

7.3 Impatience never solves anything, but with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, we can share God’s wisdom and counsel with others, remembering that timing is crucial in all aspects of life.

  1. πŸ™ Seek God’s guidance, have patience, and trust in Him to make major decisions and experience His best for your life.

8.1 Waiting for God’s clear direction and valuing His wisdom is essential in making major decisions, as patience allows us to see God at work and experience His best for us.

8.2 Many people are unhappy because they make decisions without seeking God’s guidance, but God is willing to speak to them and show them what to do.

8.3 God has a purpose for your life and will make it clear if you ask Him and have patience, as He is perfect and not late.

8.4 You never lose when you wait upon God, even in the toughest situations, because just because you don’t feel God’s love doesn’t mean He doesn’t love you, and if you surrender to Him and wait, He will direct and guide you.

8.5 Trust and listen to God, ask for forgiveness and surrender your life to Him, and let Jesus become the master of your life to experience His blessings and avoid mistakes.

8.6 Pray for wisdom and patience to make major decisions in life, trusting that God will provide clear guidance.

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