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Peace With Yourself: Charles Stanley


πŸ™ Peace with God is a precious gift that we receive when we accept Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, bringing forgiveness and reconciliation.

😌 The only way to find peace with yourself is through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, according to Dr. Charles Stanley.

😌 Accepting ourselves as we are is important, as God wants us to embrace who we are and love ourselves unconditionally.

πŸ™ True peace with others can only be achieved when we are at peace with God.

🌍 Jesus can eliminate conflict and bring peace to our hearts and acceptance of ourselves and others.

🌟 True peace cannot be obtained through worldly means, but it is a gift given by Jesus.

πŸ™ Surrendering your life to Jesus Christ can bring peace and freedom from guilt and hurt.

πŸ™ Surrendering our burdens to God and choosing forgiveness can lead to healing and peace in our lives.


TLDR: Accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior brings true peace within ourselves, allowing us to live harmoniously with others and experience healing and freedom.

  1. πŸ™ Genuine peace within ourselves can be achieved by accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, leading to peace with God and the ability to live harmoniously with others, while loving ourselves and treating others adequately.

1.1 Genuine peace within ourselves is important and can be achieved through accepting Jesus Christ as our personal Savior, which grants us peace with God.

1.2 Peace with oneself is the result of learning to live harmoniously with others, but many people struggle to achieve this peace in their relationships, causing conflict and a lack of inner peace.

1.3 To have peace with oneself, it is necessary to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as all other attempts to find peace are futile.

1.4 Love yourself because you will only treat those you love adequately.

  1. πŸ” Seek and actively pursue peace within yourself, as it requires effort and is not easily obtained, and if you can’t accept yourself, it will affect your relationships with others.

2.1 Seek peace and actively pursue it, as it requires effort and is not easily obtained.

2.2 If you don’t have peace with yourself and can’t accept yourself, it will be expressed in your relationships with others.

2.3 People often judge themselves based on their expectations, leading to feelings of inadequacy and dissatisfaction with their appearance or abilities.

  1. πŸ”‘ Conflict arises when there is no peace within oneself, but accepting Jesus Christ as Savior can enable one to overcome feelings of unworthiness and find true happiness and peace.

3.1 Conflict arises when there is no peace within oneself, leading to feelings of unworthiness and an inability to accept love and appreciation from others.

3.2 Feeling unworthy, insecure, and not fitting in any group can prevent one from experiencing true happiness and peace, but accepting Jesus Christ as Savior can enable one to overcome these feelings.

  1. πŸ™ Accepting ourselves as we are is important because God wants us to love and accept ourselves, and His chastising hand is a form of love to guide us back on track.

4.1 Many people feel inadequate, unloved, and unacceptable because they have never experienced the unconditional love of Jesus Christ, and this lack of love and acceptance is a major problem in our society.

4.2 Accepting ourselves as we are is important because God wants us to love and accept ourselves, and even when we don’t do the right things, His chastising hand is a form of love to guide us back on track.

  1. πŸ™ Carrying negative attitudes affects our relationship with God and others, hindering our ability to find inner peace, but through personal confrontation and addressing our conflicts, God can heal and deliver us.

5.1 Carrying negative attitudes about ourselves weighs us down emotionally and affects our relationship with God and others, leading to a lack of inner peace.

5.2 Without acceptance and peace with God, individuals will struggle with chaos, conflict, and negativity, hindering their ability to find peace with others.

5.3 God can heal and deliver us from negative attitudes and conflicts that stem from our upbringing, but we must personally confront and address them in order to find peace within ourselves.

  1. πŸ™ Jesus offers a unique peace that allows us to live harmoniously with others, accepting each other despite our mistakes, and instructs us to love one another and let go of guilt.

6.1 Jesus gives us a peace that allows us to live harmoniously with others, accepting each other despite our mistakes, but we cannot have peace with others if we are at war with ourselves.

6.2 Conflict and lack of peace can stem from childhood and continue throughout life, affecting one’s entire being, but Jesus offers a peace that cannot be obtained or traded in the world.

6.3 Jesus offers a peace that is different from the world’s, instructing us to love one another and not carry guilt.

  1. πŸ™ Surrendering to Jesus Christ removes guilt and hurt, allowing Him to cleanse the heart and bring true peace and freedom.

7.1 Carrying the weight of past conflicts and unresolved issues from our upbringing can lead to unhappiness and conflict in our relationships, and it is important to address and let go of these burdens in order to find peace within ourselves.

7.2 Jesus Christ is the only source of true peace and freedom, as surrendering to Him removes guilt and hurt, allowing Him to cleanse the heart.

  1. πŸ™ Surrender your burdens to God, forgive others, and trust in Jesus for peace, joy, and healing in your life.

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