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Prayers That Will Bring Deliverance To Your Children: Perry Stone


The Power of Prayer for Children’s Salvation and Deliverance

πŸ™ “Prayers that will bring deliverance to your children” – Perry Stone discusses the power of prayer in bringing deliverance to children.

πŸ™ The prayer of faith is essential when praying for unsaved children, believing in the power of God to bring about their salvation.

πŸ™ Praying with a burden is important, as it can lead to breakthroughs and protection for our loved ones.

🏠 Paul’s message to the jailer was simple yet powerful: “Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved and your house.”

🌟 “Believe God for entire household salvation and entire household infillings.” – The speaker emphasizes the importance of praying for the salvation and spiritual filling of entire households.

πŸ‘ͺ Claiming household salvation is important, as involving the entire family in prayer can bring deliverance to children.

πŸ’’ Prayer can have a powerful impact on the lives of children, as seen in the example of a young girl who loved and supported someone struggling with addiction, ultimately leading to positive change.

πŸ™ “Awaken his spirit, awaken his spirit, I command his spirit to come alive, I command his spirit to be awakened.” – Karen Wheaton’s prayer for a struggling child.

πŸ™ Praying for deliverance for your children can bring about positive change and protection in their lives.

πŸ™ Prayer can have a powerful impact on protecting and saving lives, as seen in the story of the angel protecting Morgan from a fatal accident.

The Impact of Unconditional Love and Faith in Prayer

🀐 The way we speak about our children can give the enemy legal grounds to hinder God’s work in their lives, so we should be mindful of our words and declare our commitment to serving the Lord as a family.

πŸ’– “One of the greatest things you can do for an unsaved child is love them unconditionally, no matter what shape they get into.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to pray in faith and believe in the power of prayer to bring deliverance and spiritual well-being to your children, while also loving and supporting them unconditionally.

  1. πŸ™ Pray in faith and believe in your prayers to bring deliverance to your children, especially when burdened, as there is a battle for their spiritual well-being.

1.1 Learn how to pray for deliverance for your children who do not know the Lord Jesus Christ.

1.2 To bring deliverance to your children, it is important to pray in faith and believe in the things you are saying when you pray, avoiding contradicting your prayers with negative statements.

1.3 Pray for your children and family members when you feel burdened, as it may be a sign that they are in need of deliverance or protection from harm.

1.4 Pray in faith with a heavy burden, understanding that there is a battle for eternity, and remember to stand in the gap for your child’s spiritual well-being.

  1. πŸ™ Believe in God for your family’s salvation and deliverance, declare and believe that your family will serve the Lord, and be cautious of negative speech about your children.

2.1 Paul and Silas were imprisoned, but when they sang praises to God, an earthquake occurred, freeing them and all the prisoners; the jailer, fearing punishment, was comforted by Paul and invited him to preach to his household, where Paul shared the message of believing in Jesus for salvation.

2.2 A Gentile man’s house was converted to the Lord after an earthquake, and in another instance, the Holy Spirit fell on Gentiles while Peter was preaching in their home, astonishing the Jews.

2.3 Believe in God for entire household salvation and infilling of the Holy Spirit.

2.4 Declare and believe that your family will serve the Lord, as negative speech about your children can hinder their salvation and deliverance.

  1. πŸ™ Pray for household salvation and a kingdom connection to bring deliverance to your children; the speaker shares a personal story of their son’s addiction and how prayers for unconditional love were answered through a young girl at church, leading to marriage and positive influence.

3.1 Claim household salvation and pray for a kingdom connection to bring deliverance to your children and family members.

3.2 The speaker shares a personal story about their son’s addiction and how their prayers for someone to love him unconditionally were answered when he met a young girl at church who stuck with him through thick and thin, eventually leading to their marriage and her positive influence on him.

3.3 Pray for your children’s salvation, for God to connect them with the right people, and for their spiritual awakening.

  1. πŸ™ Pray for your children’s spiritual eyes and spirits to be opened and awakened, so they can know and hear the Lord, break soul ties, and grow spiritually.

4.1 Pray for your children’s spiritual eyes to be opened so they can see and understand the truth, leading them to know the Lord.

4.2 Pray for your children’s spirits to be awakened so they can hear the voice of the Lord.

4.3 Karen Wheaton, a friend of the speaker, went into the speaker’s son’s room, grabbed his shoes, and commanded his spirit to come alive and be awakened.

4.4 Pray for the awakening of your child’s spirit, so they can be receptive to the Word of God and break any soul ties that may hinder their spiritual growth.

  1. πŸ™ Pray for the severance of connections between family members and drug dealers, be a gap filler and intercessory prayer person, keep your child at home for protection, and ask God to put your loved ones under His hedge of protection.

5.1 Pray for the severance of connections between family members and drug dealers, with the hope that the drug dealer will end up in jail, as sometimes people need to hit rock bottom before they can find salvation, and also pray for protection over your children.

5.2 Be a gap filler and intercessory prayer person like Aaron in the Old Testament, standing between the living and the dead to bring deliverance to your children.

5.3 Moving a child with addiction outside of the safety of their home exposes them to danger and increases the risk of premature death.

5.4 Keep your son at home and under your protection, praying for him to stay under your hedge of safety and away from the bondage of the enemy.

5.5 Believers have guardian angels that make up a hedge of protection, and by having a relationship with God, one can ask Him to put their loved ones under that hedge.

  1. πŸ™ Dad’s prayers saved his son from a fatal accident, showing the importance of expecting and speaking with certainty about your child’s deliverance and loving them unconditionally.

6.1 Morgan, who had been away from God for over 40 years, was predicted to die in a car accident by the speaker’s father, who prayed for his protection but was told by the Lord that he couldn’t protect someone who had willingly walked away from Him.

6.2 Dad prayed for his son’s protection, and through prayer, his son’s life was saved from a fatal accident.

6.3 Expect and speak with certainty about your child’s deliverance, love them unconditionally regardless of their circumstances.

  1. πŸ“š Love and support your children unconditionally, discuss the goodness of God with your family, Perry Stone’s book “Feeding Demons” explores defeating evil spirits, and the audio CD “Sounds of a Heart” can refresh and relax you.

7.1 Love your children unconditionally and make them feel cared for, even when they make mistakes or are controlled by negative influences, as they may need your genuine love and support in difficult situations.

7.2 It is believed that it is God’s will for your entire family to be saved and filled with the Holy Spirit, and discussing the goodness of God during special occasions and family gatherings can help achieve this.

7.3 Perry Stone discusses his book “Feeding Demons” which explores how believers can open and close doors on evil spirits, defeat spirits of infirmity, and expel unclean spirits from any person, with the book now available for purchase.

7.4 The audio CD “Sounds of a Heart” contains 9 songs that can refresh and relax you, and it is said to lift your spirit like the harp did for King Saul in the Old Testament; it is available for a donation of $30 or more.

  1. πŸ“š The speaker discusses a new book and invites viewers to join regional meetings, reflecting on his ministry and expressing his love for the deep things of God, while also promoting his 60th birthday celebration on an Alaskan cruise.

8.1 The speaker discusses a new book that was written in Israel and mentions that the programs being watched are not reruns.

8.2 God is giving the speaker downloads at 3 o’clock in the morning and they invite viewers to join them at various regional meetings.

8.3 Reflecting on his ministry, the speaker discusses his desire to finish strong and the extensive Bible study he has done, including starting an international Bible school, and expresses his love for the deep things of God and the mysteries of the kingdom.

8.4 Join Perry Stone and his family for his 60th birthday celebration on an Alaskan cruise from June 23rd to the 30th, and book your tour through Noseworthy travel for special meetings and the opportunity to meet Perry and Pam.

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