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Praying in Crisis: Charles Stanley


The Power of Prayer in Times of Crisis

πŸ’ͺ “The effective prayer of a righteous man or woman can accomplish much.”

πŸ™ The effective prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much in times of crisis.

πŸ™ Our prayers become more focused and specific during times of crisis, and God uses these crises to get our attention and draw us closer to Him.

πŸ™ God is not oblivious to the crises and challenges we face in life, and He is interested in every single one of them.

πŸ™ Praying with fervency means praying with much more power, strength, feeling, and emotion.

πŸ™ God understands our fears and weaknesses, providing comfort and encouragement in times of crisis.

πŸ™ The Spirit of God is able to release his greatest power when we express our greatest sense of helplessness in prayer.

πŸ™ The Holy Spirit intercedes for us when we don’t know how to pray, burdening our hearts for the crisis and enabling us to cry out to God for His intervention.

πŸ™ The power of God’s divine supernatural power can overcome any challenge, even something as big as a war.

God’s Sovereignty and Involvement in Our Crisis

🌍 “God is the sovereign of this universe and whether we like to think it or not, everything revolves around him, not us.”

πŸ™ God knows every detail of our crisis and has the power to settle, heal, deliver, provide, and protect us in the best way possible.

πŸ€” When we respond rightly to a crisis and seek God’s intervention, we can trust that He knows and has ways beyond our understanding.

πŸ™ God wants to get involved in our crises and will divinely intervene, even in the midst of our failures.

πŸ™ “We underestimate God’s personal desire to get involved in what concerns us.”

Wrestling with God in Prayer and Spiritual Warfare

πŸ€” “Somebody says you shouldn’t have to struggle with God, I mean after all should you just be able just to say ‘Lord I want you to do so and so and so and so’?” – Dr. Charles Stanley challenges the notion that prayer should always be effortless and emphasizes the need for genuine struggle and wrestling with God.

🌟 The idea that Jacob was wrestling with the Lord himself during his crisis highlights the deep connection between prayer and spiritual warfare.


TLDR: Praying in crisis with righteousness and sincerity can lead to divine intervention and the release of supernatural power to resolve the crisis.

  1. πŸ™ Praying in crisis is important as it can lead to healing and forgiveness, and the effective prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much in times of crisis, as God uses these crises to draw us closer to Him.

1.1 In times of crisis, it is important to pray to God and seek His guidance, as more people are turning to prayer and attending church during these challenging times.

1.2 Praying in crisis involves a simple principle of seeking prayer and support from the church, as it can lead to healing and forgiveness.

1.3 Elijah prayed for rain and it didn’t rain for three years, then he prayed again and it rained, showing that the effective prayer of a righteous person can accomplish much in times of crisis.

1.4 During a crisis, our prayers become focused on specific concerns, and God uses these crises to get our attention and draw us closer to Him.

  1. πŸ™ God is aware and interested in our crises, and when we shift our focus to Him and pray effectively, He releases His divine power to make a difference beyond what we can imagine.

2.1 People who are indifferent to God suddenly face various crises in life, but God is aware and interested in every single one of them.

2.2 God desires to be personally involved in every aspect of our lives, but often it takes a crisis for us to shift our focus from ourselves to Him.

2.3 God cannot be manipulated or controlled by our crises or selfish desires, and we must not expect Him to intervene in our lives if we have been indifferent and self-centered.

2.4 The effective prayer of a righteous person can bring about the release of God’s supernatural energy into our crisis to make a difference.

2.5 When we pray effectively, God releases his divine energy and power to help us in our crises, as he is able to do exceedingly abundantly beyond all that we ask or think.

  1. πŸ™ God is willing to use His supernatural power in our crises if we are righteous and ask for His intervention, as He knows all the details and how to resolve them for our benefit.

3.1 God is willing to release his supernatural power in our crises if we are righteous, and he promises to personally intervene in our prayers.

3.2 God’s unlimited power is available to help us in any crisis, as He knows all the details and how to resolve it for our benefit.

3.3 God may not always do what we ask in a crisis because His purpose is higher than ours, but if we respond rightly and ask for His intervention, we can trust that He will fulfill His promise.

3.4 God wants to get involved in our crises and will divinely intervene, protect, provide, and deliver us through difficult times if we cry out to Him and expect His divine energy to accomplish much.

  1. πŸ™ Prayer in crisis should be specific, strong, and fervent, motivated by a burden of the heart, and should involve struggling with God to make our desires known.

4.1 Effective prayer is characterized by specific requests, particularly in times of crisis or when seeking healing for serious illnesses.

4.2 Prayer should be strong, powerful, and fervent, motivated by a burden of the heart, rather than a mere repetition of words.

4.3 Paul describes in Colossians 4 how his fellow minister, Pat, prays earnestly for the Colossians, with a strong and heartfelt prayer for them to stand firm in God’s will.

4.4 When praying, it is important to approach God with a heavy burden and not be afraid to struggle with Him in order to make your desires known.

4.5 Jacob finds himself in a crisis, wrestling with the Lord and refusing to let go until he is blessed.

4.6 In times of crisis, it is important to pray fervently and honestly, expressing our burdens and fears to God, seeking His intervention and guidance.

  1. πŸ™ In times of crisis, we should pray with genuine helplessness and sincerity, as God responds to specific requests and releases supernatural power in our lives.

5.1 Elijah, though imperfect and weak, was used by God in miraculous ways, and his story serves as an encouragement that God understands and empathizes with our fears.

5.2 In times of crisis, we often turn to God in prayer, seeking guidance and help, and it is important to set aside any reservations or concerns about how we pray and instead focus on the urgency and sincerity of our prayers.

5.3 In times of crisis, we should pray to God with a genuine sense of helplessness and a burden, rather than fabricating our own prayers, in order to experience His supernatural power.

5.4 God is willing to release his supernatural power in our lives every day, but in times of crisis, strong prayers from righteous hearts bring about great results and God responds to specific requests.

  1. πŸ™ Praying in crisis requires genuine concern and righteousness, as God is getting America’s attention and our only shield is Jehovah.

6.1 God’s divine supernatural power only requires one person to cry out to Him, but the question is whether or not we are burdened enough to do so.

6.2 Praying during times of crisis is not just about passively watching events unfold on television, but actively engaging with God and interceding for others in their time of need.

6.3 America has not learned from past wars and is not listening to God, and God will get their attention by touching their pocketbooks.

6.4 God is getting America’s attention and our only shield is Jehovah.

6.5 Effective prayer requires strong praying with genuine concern and righteousness, and those who only pray in times of crisis without a genuine relationship with God will not be heard.

  1. πŸ™ Praying in crisis requires living a righteous lifestyle, repenting of sins, and seeking forgiveness before asking God to intervene in our nation’s crisis.

7.1 A righteous person is someone who is positionally clothed in the righteousness of Christ and also lives a righteous lifestyle, and their prayers can have a significant impact.

7.2 If we willingly and knowingly choose to sin against God and do not deal with it, He will not hear our prayers, as it would contribute to our disobedience and rebellion.

7.3 Prayer that God responds to comes from those who live righteously, repent when they sin, and do not manipulate God for their own needs while disregarding other areas of their life.

7.4 Pray for forgiveness of our sins and repentance before asking God to intervene in our nation’s crisis.

  1. πŸ™ Strong prayers from righteous individuals have great power and effectiveness in any crisis, regardless of the size or doubts of others, but it is important to deal with sin and rebellion in your life before starting.

8.1 Strong prayers from righteous individuals have great power and effectiveness in the eyes of God, and their value is not dependent on the size or scope of the church or kingdom.

8.2 One person’s strong prayer can release God’s supernatural power in any crisis, regardless of the situation or the doubts of others.

8.3 Your single prayer, from a righteous heart, can transform a person’s condition if you believe in God’s supernatural power, but it is important to deal with sin and rebellion in your life before starting.

8.4 God desires a personal relationship with us and will provide for our needs in times of crisis, but we must walk with Him daily and cry out to Him without needing to fix everything in our lives.

8.5 Rejecting Christ and expecting God to answer prayers while ignoring our rejection, apathy, indifference, mocking, and profanity is not in line with God’s nature; instead, we need a revival of repentance and a clean heart to experience God’s supernatural power in our crisis.

8.6 Grant them wisdom to repent of every known sin, to turn away from it, renounce it, and trust in God’s cleansing power, so that their lives may become valuable and powerful tools to impact others.

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