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Resist the Devil and Walk in Humility: Robert Morris


🏈 God tackles pride in our lives to protect us from the enemy’s attacks.

πŸ™ “I don’t need someone else to hear from God for me, I can receive counsel and encouragement through the Holy Spirit living inside of me.”

πŸ’‘ God allows challenges and difficult situations in our lives to work out the pride in our hearts and prepare us to help others.

πŸ™ “You can’t resist the devil if God’s resisting you; the only way you can resist the devil is if you’re walking in humility.”

🏈 God opposes the proud and plays on the opposing team, challenging us to see how far we can get without Him.

πŸ€” “If you didn’t steward what He gave you last time, why would He give you more?”

😒 The power of prayer and faith can lead to unexpected and miraculous encounters.

🌍 “The impact that tbn is making around the world for Jesus is miraculous.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that humility and obedience to God’s guidance are essential in fulfilling our purpose and receiving His blessings.

  1. πŸ‘Ώ God tackles pride lovingly, while Satan tries to injure you; when you get prideful, God will tackle you to protect you from the enemy.
  2. πŸ‘‚ Steward what you hear and how you hear it, as Jesus emphasized the importance of both in receiving more from God and avoiding loss.
  3. πŸ“š Pride is the biggest obstacle to fulfilling our purpose of helping others, as seen in the story of Joseph, so we must remain humble and faithful in stewarding the opportunities God gives us to gradually increase our impact.

3.1 God wants to use us to help a lot of people, but we must remain humble and faithful in stewarding the opportunities He gives us, gradually increasing our impact from hundreds to thousands to millions.

3.2 Pride is the biggest obstacle to hearing God, as seen in the story of Joseph, who had to overcome his own pride in order to fulfill his purpose of helping others.

  1. πŸ‘Ώ God resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble, so in order to resist the devil, we must walk in humility and submit to God.
  2. πŸ™ Stay humble and rely on God’s guidance, as He opposes the proud and challenges them to succeed without Him.

5.1 God gives us opportunities to use our gifts and talents, and as we grow and gain experience, we become more confident in our abilities, but we must always remember to stay humble and rely on God’s guidance.

5.2 God opposes the proud and challenges them to try to succeed without Him.

  1. πŸ™ God tackles our pride to protect us from the enemy, and if we’re not hearing from Him, we should check if we followed through on His previous instructions before expecting more guidance.

6.1 God lovingly tackles us when we have pride in our lives to protect us from the enemy, and when we don’t heed what God says, we are leaving His presence and missing out on His guidance.

6.2 If you’re not hearing from God, go back to the last thing He told you to do and see if you followed through, because if you didn’t, why would He give you more.

  1. πŸ™ A divine prompting led the speaker to invite a couple to church, fulfilling the woman’s prayer for an invitation and emphasizing the significance of being open to God’s guidance and acting upon it.

7.1 I had a strong impression to go back to the restaurant and speak to a lady who had recently moved to New Zealand with her husband.

7.2 God prompted the speaker to invite a woman and her husband to church, and it turned out that the woman had prayed for someone to invite them, highlighting the importance of being receptive to God’s guidance and taking action.

  1. πŸ™ Close your eyes and ask the Lord to help you be a good steward of His words and obey His commands.

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