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Revelation 17:1 to 18 MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT: Robert Breaker


Religious Corruption and Deception

🌍 The discussion of a false church rooted in paganism highlights the importance of discerning true religious practices from those influenced by other beliefs.

🧛‍♀️ The woman symbolizing Mystery Babylon is depicted as a vampire, drinking the blood of both the saints and the martyrs of Jesus, suggesting her role in persecuting believers.

🤔 The transcript suggests that there is a global agenda being pushed through propaganda and media manipulation, aiming to control people’s minds and beliefs.

💀 The Roman Catholic Church, under the Holy Roman Empire, engaged in wars, such as the Crusades, and oversaw the Inquisition, resulting in the torture and death of millions of people deemed as heretics.

📖 Martin Luther, a Roman Catholic priest, discovered the concept of being justified by faith alone through reading the Bible, leading to his protest against the Catholic Church.

😢 It is sad to see so many people deceived by the Catholic Church and unwilling to look at what the Bible actually says.

🛸 The possibility of an alien deception after the Rapture, with the Vatican’s connection to aliens and their observatory named Lucifer, raises intriguing questions about what they might be seeing and how it could be used to explain away the event.

😱 “The Vatican’s architecture, including doors shaped like snakes and a building resembling a snake’s head, raises questions about its symbolism and hidden meanings.”

💒 The Catholic Church is accused of teaching another way to get to heaven and manipulating people through the use of secret societies and the demand for money.

Historical and Symbolic Significance of Babylon

🗿 Babylon, where idol worship originated and where the Tower of Babel was located, is seen as a symbol of confusion, contrasting with the pure and clean woman in heaven in Revelation 12.

🏛️ Ancient Babylon, the first political system in the world, was started by Nimrod, who also helped build the Tower of Babel, symbolizing the desire to kick God out and establish a New World Order.

🌍 The desire for world domination and the unification of Earth can be traced back to Babylon, as seen in historical events like the Crusades and the actions of the first world ruler.

🚫 The censorship of certain ideas and information is not a new phenomenon, as history has shown that banned books and restricted speech have existed throughout time.

🔥 The city mentioned in Revelation 17, which reigns over the kings of the Earth, is identified as Rome throughout history.

Controversial Practices and Beliefs of the Catholic Church

😮 Historical accounts suggest that celibate priests have engaged in sexual sins, including cases of sexual abuse of altar boys, highlighting the potential consequences and problems associated with the practice of celibacy in the Catholic Church.

🍷 The Roman Catholic mass practices transubstantiation, where wine is believed to turn into the literal blood of Jesus, which can be seen as a form of spiritual fornication and goes against biblical teachings.

😈 The speaker argues that idol worship, originating from Babylon, is present in Catholic churches, with statues representing demons rather than Mary and Jesus.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the speaker discusses the connection between the Roman Catholic Church, the European Union, and the United Nations in relation to the Antichrist and the establishment of a one world government, highlighting the dangers of ecumenicalism and the importance of sticking to the Bible.

  1. 🔍 The TLDR of the notes is that the speaker discusses the connection between Easter and the Feast of Ishtar, the symbolism in Revelation 17, the mystery of the woman and the Beast, and the prediction of a united world under one mindset leading to the rise of a Beast and the destruction of a city.
  2. 🔍 The woman in Revelation 17 represents a political and religious system associated with idol worship and confusion, potentially referring to the Roman Catholic Church or Constantinople, both built on Seven Hills.
  3. 🔍 The Pope represents a money-focused religion, with false beliefs like purgatory and celibacy rooted in paganism, and a historical connection between the Catholic Church and the state, criticized for its forgiveness of sins by priests.
  4. 🔍 The speaker discusses the connection between the Roman Catholic Church and state, suggesting that the European Union’s symbolism may be related to the biblical concept of Mystery Babylon, highlighting the dangers of ecumenicalism and the importance of sticking to the Bible.
  5. 🔍 Protestantism is returning to Catholicism, rejecting salvation by faith alone; Catholicism, represented by a woman drunk with the blood of saints, historically killed millions and banned Bible reading, with the angel about to explain the mystery of this woman and the beast she carries, as well as the significance of the Beast, Antichrist, seven mountains, and kings in relation to Revelation 17; the speaker discusses the connection between Catholicism, the European Union, and the United Nations in relation to the Antichrist and the establishment of a one world government, as well as the plan to divide the world into ten regions; the speaker also discusses the agenda of globalism, the desire for power among the elite, the destruction of countries, the push for a global system, and the battle between Jesus and the Antichrist in the New World Order, while speculating about the disturbing practice of eating off a naked woman’s body at Hollywood parties and the possibility of people being eaten in the future within the context of the Babylon system falling and being burned.
  6. 🔍 The speaker discusses the connection between the fall of Babylon and the presence of demonic spirits in the Catholic Church, highlighting the history of idol worship and manipulation of statues to represent Mary and Jesus, while also discussing the possibility of the Pope and the Vatican being involved in an alien deception after the Rapture and the potential for a global economic collapse leading to a new system.
  7. 🔍 The speaker criticizes the Catholic Church for mixing paganism with Christianity, discusses their involvement in secret societies and the world economy, and emphasizes the importance of salvation through Jesus.
  8. 🔍 The speaker criticizes Catholicism and discusses the concept of a glorified body in heaven, emphasizing the absence of gender and sexual relationships, and ends with a request for thoughts on the identity of the Ten Kings.

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