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Revelation 18:1 to 24 THE FALL OF BABYLON: Robert Breaker


Questioning the practices and teachings of Catholicism

πŸ”₯ The speaker warns about the potential suppression of books and encourages investing in literature, drawing parallels to historical instances of book burning by Hitler and book confiscation by Communists.

πŸ›οΈ The Roman Catholic Church is identified with a cup, symbolizing the worship of Babylon, which is seen as a religious system full of pagan and anti-biblical teachings.

πŸ€” The discrepancy between Catholicism’s teachings and the Bible’s instructions raises questions about the authority of tradition in religious practices.

πŸ’€ The repetition of sacrificing Jesus in the Catholic Mass is seen as blasphemy, as the Bible states that Jesus offered one sacrifice for sins forever.

πŸ€” The Council of Trent prohibited the translation of the Bible into any other language for people to read, denying forgiveness of sins to those who do so, which raises questions about the Catholic Church’s stance on the accessibility of the Bible.

πŸ€” The worship of the Queen of Heaven in the past and present is seen as a reason for God’s destruction, drawing parallels between paganism and certain practices in the Catholic Church.

😱 “It’s blasphemy to say that you can pull Jesus down from heaven and force them into a cookie and eat them.” – The speaker finds the Catholic practice of transubstantiation, where the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus, blasphemous.

Origins and legitimacy of the Roman Catholic Church

πŸ€” The origins of the Pope’s title and authority in the Roman Catholic Church can be traced back to pagan religion, raising questions about its legitimacy.

🐐 The Vatican Hill, associated with the Catholic Church, has similarities to ancient Satan worship, with references to Baphomet, a hermaphroditic deity with goat-like features.

🌍 Catholicism’s roots can be traced back to pagan Babylon, with worship practices that included orgies and the worship of semiramis and tamuse.

πŸ“š The Catholic Church’s practices and traditions can be traced back to Rome and Babylon, as shown in books and historical evidence.

πŸ€” The connection between the Babylonian religion and the Catholic mass raises questions about the origins and influences of religious practices.

🌞 The worship of the sun, seen in the Catholic Church’s use of the Eucharist and sun symbols, is believed to have originated from paganism, challenging the perception of the Catholic Church as a true Christian institution.

Corruption within religious systems

πŸ’‘ The fall of Babylon is associated with the concept of “Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations,” suggesting a deep corruption within this system.

πŸ™Œ The excitement in Heaven over the fall of Babylon stems from the end of corruption, which resonates with the desire to see justice served when someone does wrong.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the Roman Catholic Church, represented by Babylon, is a corrupt and false religious system that contradicts the teachings of Jesus Christ and should be separated from.

  1. πŸ”₯ Babylon, represented by the Roman Catholic Church, is a corrupt and powerful entity that has ties to ancient Babylon and seeks global control, raising questions about its legitimacy.

1.1 Revelation 18 is being discussed and the goal is to create an online Bible Institute class.

1.2 China’s use of AI chat bots to enforce their social credit score and the potential for AI to be manipulated by evil forces like the devil is a dystopian nightmare that people should be wary of and seek salvation from.

1.3 Babylon, a religious, political, and banking system that originated from Nimrod and ties back to the Tower of Babel, is referred to as Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations.

1.4 A woman, personified as a harlot, is abominable and drinks blood, ruling over the kings of the earth from the city of Rome.

1.5 The Roman Catholic Church, led by the Pope, has a history of contradicting itself, which raises questions about its claim to speak for God.

1.6 The Vatican in Rome, which is the center of power for the Roman Catholic Church, is connected to the Babylonian religion and is believed to be behind global control, as evidenced by various books and historical ties.

  1. πŸ”₯ The Vatican and Roman Catholic Church are associated with pagan worship, material wealth, and false teachings, contradicting the teachings of Jesus Christ and potentially being connected to Satan worship.

2.1 The Vatican, historically associated with pagan worship and the consumption of wine and drugs for prophetic visions, raises questions about its connection to ancient Satan worship and the compatibility of a sinful form of Christianity with the teachings of Jesus Christ.

2.2 The Roman Catholic Church, identified with a cup, represents the religious system of Babylon, filled with pagan teachings, rituals, and practices, as evidenced by the cup symbol in their worship, the adorned cup in ancient Babylon, and the cup symbol on Vatican coins, suggesting that it may be a false church associated with Satan rather than the bride of Christ, further supported by the shape of Saint Peter’s Basilica resembling a key, potentially symbolizing the key to hell and Satan’s power on Earth.

2.3 Rome, particularly the Vatican, is focused on material wealth and earthly matters, rather than spiritual concerns, as evidenced by the Pope’s lack of emphasis on forgiveness of sins and the Roman Catholic religion’s focus on money.

2.4 Catholicism is portrayed as a money-driven religion that controls people through fear and obedience, with everything requiring payment, including mass, marriage, and christening, contradicting the idea of buying salvation or forgiveness.

2.5 Catholicism teaches that adherence to tradition is necessary, but the speaker argues that by reading the Bible, one can see that many of the doctrines, such as the sinlessness of Mary, go against God’s teachings, and that Catholicism’s worship of Mary and its practices have roots in pagan Babylon.

2.6 The speaker discusses the presence of steeples on churches, suggesting that they may have been used as antennas to call demons, and argues that true churches do not need steeples as they are a pagan symbol.

  1. 🚫 God warns against participating in the false religious system of Rome, criticizing Catholic traditions and teachings that contradict the Bible.

3.1 God warns his people to leave the false religious system of Rome in order to avoid participating in its sins and experiencing its consequences.

3.2 Tradition in the Catholic Church is prioritized over the Bible, but Jesus criticizes this, stating that following tradition instead of the Bible makes the word of God ineffective and accuses them of worshiping in vain.

3.3 Catholicism teaches praying the rosary through repetitive prayers, but the Bible condemns vain repetitions in prayer.

3.4 Catholicism teaches that the pope is called the Holy Father, but the Bible states that Jesus prayed to the Father in heaven and instructed not to call any man on Earth father.

3.5 Catholicism teaches that the first pope, Peter, was celibate, but according to the Bible, Peter had a wife, and the pope’s desire for worship, symbolized by the ring he makes people kiss, is reminiscent of the Italian mafia.

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