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Revelation 20:1 to 15: Robert Breaker


The Afterlife and Judgment

😱 In the tribulation, salvation requires shedding your own blood for Jesus, which is a stark contrast to today’s belief in being saved by trusting in the blood that Jesus shed for us.

πŸ’€ The second death has no power over those who have experienced the first resurrection, as they shall reign with God and Christ for a thousand years.

🌬️ Jesus preached to those in hell and brought the Old Testament saints with him to heaven, challenging traditional beliefs about the afterlife.

πŸ’Ž Our actions for Jesus will be rewarded, while the things we do for ourselves will be like smoke, highlighting the importance of prioritizing our service to Him.

πŸ”₯ The Lake of Fire is described as a place where the dead will go for all eternity, emphasizing the importance of spreading the message of salvation to save others from this fate.

πŸ˜‡ The Saints will judge the world and even the fallen angels at the great white Throne of judgment.

🌍 The concept of a new Heaven and Earth in Revelation 21 challenges the idea that this world is all there is and offers hope for a better future.

Eschatological Events and Prophecies

πŸ˜‡ The battle of Armageddon and Jesus’ return in Revelation 19 is an exciting event that believers can look forward to.

🌀️ Jesus’ second coming is described as coming in the clouds, indicating a different event from his ascension and the battle of Armageddon.

πŸ“š The mention of the Book of Enoch and its connection to fallen angels adds an intriguing layer to the discussion of Revelation and biblical mythology.

😈 Satan is bound for a thousand years in the millennial Kingdom, according to Revelation 20:1-15.

🌌 At the end of the millennial Kingdom, God destroys the Earth, pulls everyone out of hell, and creates a new Heaven and new Earth.

The Nature and Defeat of Satan

πŸ”₯ The devil’s defeat by God at the cross and subsequent cast into hell highlights his ultimate failure and unworthiness of being followed.

πŸ”₯ The Devil’s defeat by God is swift and powerful, showing the immense strength of God for Israel.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Jesus will have a second coming, during which he will establish his Millennial Reign on Earth, and believers will be judged for their service to Him.

  1. πŸ“– Jesus has two comings, the first being his birth and the second being when he will come in the clouds to take the church up before the battle of Armageddon, while Satan is bound and cast into a lake of fire for a thousand years.
  2. πŸ“– There is speculation about angels and Satan’s son, but it’s important to focus on spiritual implications. The Bible mentions an underground prison for spiritual creatures, and governments encountering fallen angels in underground bases suggests UFOs are devils.
  3. πŸ”₯ The speaker discusses concerns about the implementation of a social credit score system and digital money, the potential hiding of the Rapture, Hollywood’s connection to underground reptilian beings, the importance of accurate translations, and the fall and defeat of Satan.
  4. πŸ”₯ Jesus establishes his Millennial Reign on Earth for a thousand years, binding Satan and preventing his deception, aligning with the seven-thousand-year timeline of human history.
  5. πŸ”₯ The devil, the Beast, and the false prophet are cast into the Lake of Fire, while those who refuse the mark of the beast are beheaded and their souls go to heaven, enduring the tribulation with the difficult task of shedding their own blood for Jesus.
  6. πŸ“– Jesus rose from the dead and took Old Testament saints to heaven, referred to as the Harvest, with the purpose of the Rapture being to take us to the Judgment seat of Christ for judgment based on our service to Him.
  7. πŸ“œ Believers will be judged for their service and receive rewards, while all the dead, saved or not, will face judgment and have to account for their actions and sins before a holy God.
  8. πŸ“– The video discusses the concept of judgment in Revelation 20, including the books of life, the judgment of works, and the importance of being saved through Jesus Christ, as well as the idea of a new Heaven and Earth where sin will be eradicated and only redeemed individuals with glorified bodies will be allowed.

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