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Rightly Dividing The Book of Revelation: Robert Breaker


Interpretation of the Book of Revelation

📖 The Bible instructs us to study and rightly divide the word of Truth, which is a great blessing that not everyone has the freedom to do.

⛪️ The seven churches mentioned in the Book of Revelation can be understood as literal churches, Church periods, and possibly churches during the tribulation.

📖 The Book of Revelation contains elements that can be applied to our present time, such as the concept of apostasy, but it also has a significant future focus.

📖 The word “church” is not mentioned again after Revelation 3:14 until Revelation 22:16, indicating a possible early departure of the church before the events described in the later chapters of Revelation.

🤔 The gospel preached during the Book of Revelation is different from the gospel preached by Paul, indicating a shift in message during the tribulation.

🧩 Mystery Babylon is an intriguing topic in the Book of Revelation, with its existence spanning from the past to the future, leading to its eventual destruction at Armageddon.

👑 The woman, representing the great city, holds power and reigns over the kings of the Earth, indicating her significant influence and authority.

📚 “This book right here and this book warns us about mystery Babylon.” – Emphasizing the importance of the Bible as a basis for fellowship and guidance.

End Times Prophecy

⏰ “They claimed that it was written before 70 A.D and you know what happened in 70 A.D the destruction of Jerusalem…how could anyone say no that’s all passed no. It’s still future.”

📖 The Book of Revelation allows us to know what will happen in the future, and it’s exciting to see those events coming to pass just as the Bible says.

📖 The passage suggests that there are different groups of people who come out of the Great Tribulation, indicating that the Rapture may have occurred before this event.

🤔 The concept of a rapture before the tribulation period is a key belief in understanding the Book of Revelation.

💀 It’s not enough to simply believe in Jesus during the Tribulation, one must also refuse to take the mark of the beast, even if it means being beheaded.

🇮🇱 The declaration of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel in 2017 may have been a sign from God to the Jewish people, signaling a significant event for them.

Symbolism and Significance

🔮 The idea that God has a celestial calendar, including signs and symbols, that can be deciphered to understand biblical prophecies, such as the mark of the beast.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that understanding and correctly interpreting the Book of Revelation is crucial for understanding future events and their implications for the church age and the post-Rapture period.

  1. 📖 The speaker emphasizes the importance of rightly dividing the Book of Revelation, clarifying its meaning and future implications, as it contains elements of the past, present, and future, providing valuable information for both the church age and the post-Rapture period.
  2. 📖 The Book of Revelation addresses the seven churches and focuses on events after the Rapture, emphasizing the need for proper interpretation to understand what is relevant to us and when, including the timing of the Rapture.
  3. 📖 The Book of Revelation reveals a different gospel during the tribulation period, where faith plus works are required for salvation, and understanding dispensations is crucial for comprehending the Bible.
  4. 📖 Israel is central in the Book of Revelation, with signs pointing to their importance, including the 144,000 being Jews, the significance of Israel’s 70th year anniversary and Trump declaring Jerusalem as the capital, and the Pleiades constellation, but the current vaccination is not the Mark of the Beast.
  5. 📖 The mark of the Beast is still to come, but there is a present-day system called Mystery Babylon that is involved in politics, economics, and corruption, symbolized by a woman riding a beast.
  6. 🚫 The Roman Catholic Church, with its pagan origins and association with divination, has manipulated kings and controlled the earth for 1700 years, and uniting with it goes against biblical teachings.
  7. 📚 The Book of Revelation contains future events and has relevance for us today, including the belief in an early Rapture, the identification of the 144,000 as Jews, and the signs of the mark of the beast and mystery Babylon, emphasizing the importance of understanding it for our hope in the face of impending events.
  8. 📚 The speaker discusses the importance of basing fellowship on the Bible and warns about the dangers of ecumenism.

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