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The Awareness of God’s Presence: Charles Stanley


The Importance of God’s Presence in Daily Life

πŸ’« Having God in your life means having a constant Helper with you, providing guidance and support every day.

πŸ™ Living without the awareness of God’s presence means missing out on the love and guidance of a loving Father who wants the best for you.

🌟 Our awareness of God’s presence is vital to whatever He wants to do in our life.

πŸ™ It is important to recognize that we need God’s presence and guidance in every aspect of our lives, not just in times of difficulty or uncertainty.

πŸ’« The awareness of God’s presence is not just believing in God, but experiencing His presence in our lives through the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

πŸ™ Being aware of God’s presence leads us to continually seek His guidance in our lives.

🌟 The most powerful force in the world is in the person of Jesus, making Him the ultimate companion who is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and all-loving.

πŸ’ͺ “What in this world is more powerful than God? Nothing.”

πŸ˜‡ “I’m a saint, walking in the presence of the Son of God, in His strength, in His power.”

πŸ’« “Jesus in your life, when you become aware of His presence in your life, He changes your viewpoint. Because you begin to see everything in light of His presence.”

Empowerment and Miracles through the Holy Spirit

🌍 Jesus’s command to preach the gospel to every creature emphasizes the universal reach and inclusivity of God’s message.

🌟 The presence of the Holy Spirit empowers believers to carry out God’s work and perform miracles beyond what Jesus did during His earthly ministry.

πŸ™ The same Jesus who performed miracles in Palestine is within us through the Holy Spirit, empowering us to do even greater works.

Overcoming Fear and Adversity through Faith

πŸ’ͺ “Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil.” – The courage and faith to overcome fear in the face of adversity.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that being aware of God’s presence in our lives brings transformation, guidance, peace, and the ability to align our choices with His will.

  1. πŸ™ God is always present and in control, offering love, forgiveness, and eternal salvation, so it is crucial to be aware of His presence in our lives.

1.1 God is everywhere and in control, and those who trust Him have an awareness of His presence that others do not have.

1.2 God is a loving and merciful presence in our lives, offering forgiveness, peace, joy, and eternal salvation, so why would we not want Him in our lives?

1.3 The message discusses the importance of being aware of God’s presence in our lives, as His presence is constant and unchanging regardless of our awareness.

  1. πŸ™ God’s presence is essential in our lives, as seen through examples in the Bible, and believers today should be aware of His presence in their lives through the Holy Spirit.

2.1 David, in the twenty-third Psalm, expresses his trust in God’s guidance and protection even in the midst of difficulties and the shadow of death.

2.2 God’s presence is essential in our lives, as seen through examples like Enoch, Noah, and Abraham in the Old Testament.

2.3 God promises to be with individuals like Abraham, Moses, Joshua, and Gideon as they face challenging tasks and make important decisions in their lives.

2.4 David, Isaiah, Jeremiah, and Jesus all experienced a sense of oneness with God and were assured of His presence and support in their respective missions.

2.5 Jesus promised to be with his disciples even after he left, and at Pentecost, the Holy Spirit came to dwell in every believer, enabling them to live a godly life; just like the Apostle Paul, we should be aware of God’s presence in our lives.

2.6 When Jesus left his disciples, he assured them that he would still be with them through the Holy Spirit, and just as they had the Holy Spirit indwelling them, so do believers today, but often they are not aware of God’s presence in their lives.

  1. πŸ™ Believers have the power of the Holy Spirit to do greater works than Jesus, with the most important being to bring people to a saving knowledge of God, and living in constant awareness of His presence can transform our lives.

3.1 Jesus often spoke to individuals, but at Pentecost, Peter preached to a large crowd and three thousand people were saved, which was a greater work accomplished through the power of the Holy Spirit.

3.2 Jesus instructed His disciples to go into all the world and preach the gospel, and despite only traveling a short distance himself, the impact of Paul and the apostles in spreading Christianity far surpassed that of Jesus.

3.3 Jesus promised that through the power of the Holy Spirit, believers will do greater works than he did, with the most important work being to bring people to a saving knowledge of God through the shed blood of His cross.

3.4 Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and as believers, we have the Spirit of God living within us.

3.5 God desires for us to live in constant awareness of His presence, which can transform our lives and is different from simply believing in His existence, as every believer is sealed by the Holy Spirit as evidence of this awareness.

  1. πŸ™ Being aware of God’s presence allows us to receive guidance and view Him as our constant companion, eliminating the need to question or seek guidance, as He is always present and interested in every area of our lives.

4.1 God’s presence is continually in our thoughts, both consciously and subconsciously, and we are constantly seeking His guidance.

4.2 God is interested in every area of our lives, so we should seek His wisdom and be aware of His preferences in our decisions.

4.3 Being aware of God’s presence allows us to receive guidance and view Him as our constant companion, eliminating the need to question or seek guidance.

4.4 God spoke to the speaker in a loud and clear way, revealing Himself and His desires for the speaker’s life, even in areas the speaker hadn’t considered.

4.5 Being aware of God’s presence is like being aware of the companionship of a loved one, constantly attentive and concerned.

4.6 Jesus is the ultimate companion who is always present, guiding and helping us through difficulties, and everything we do happens in the presence of God.

  1. πŸ™ David defeated Goliath because he was aware of God’s presence, and when we face storms, we should remember that we are not alone, but in it with God, which brings comfort, assurance, and guidance, and creates a hunger for the Word of God, so start every day with the Word of God to be aware of His presence, receive His peace, reminders, and joy.

5.1 David defeated Goliath because he had the awareness and understanding of God’s presence, and when we face storms, we should remember that we are not alone, but in it with God.

5.2 The awareness of God’s presence brings comfort, assurance, and guidance, enabling us to face difficult circumstances and creating a hunger for the Word of God.

5.3 Reading the Word of God ignites our awareness of His presence and without it, our awareness diminishes.

5.4 Start every day with the Word of God, being aware of His presence, and He will speak to you, bring peace, remind you of what you need to remember, and fill your heart with joy.

  1. πŸ™ Being aware of God’s presence brings healing, joy, and recognition of blessings, while living unaware leads to trouble and giving credit to others; it leads to constant conversation, dependence, hope, and guidance in every aspect of life.

6.1 Focus on God’s presence and be aware that you are never alone, even in difficult times.

6.2 Being aware of God’s presence can bring healing, help, joy, and the recognition of blessings in our lives, while living unaware of His presence can lead to trouble and giving credit to others for the good things we receive.

6.3 Being aware of God’s presence leads to a recognition of His blessings and a sense of dependence on Him in all situations.

6.4 Being aware of God’s presence leads to a constant conversation with Him, making prayer a priority and allowing for a sense of comfort and guidance in daily life.

6.5 God is interested in every aspect of our lives, and when we are aware of His presence, we can find hope and seek His guidance in every decision we make.

  1. πŸ™ Living in the awareness of God’s presence leads to peace, provision, and the ability to make choices that align with His will.

7.1 Run every decision by God, as some things may seem good but are not truly good or free.

7.2 Being aware of God’s presence allows us to see our needs in light of His provision, rather than relying on borrowing or begging, as He is already prepared to meet our needs.

7.3 Living in the awareness of God’s presence brings peace, true worship, and hope, and enables us to walk in obedience to Him.

7.4 You don’t have to sin if you live in the awareness of God’s presence and understand that sin is a choice that doesn’t fit or feel good.

  1. πŸ™ Being aware of God’s presence brings strength, joy, eternal life, and a changed perspective, while denying Him leads to consequences.

8.1 Being aware of the holy presence of Jesus prevents temptation and allows us to walk in His strength and power.

8.2 Being aware of and cherishing your spouse leads to a stronger and more intimate relationship.

8.3 Being aware of God’s presence in your life brings a joyful relationship, eternal life, and a changed perspective on difficult times.

8.4 Trust in Jesus as your Savior and live a godly life to experience the blessings of God, while those who deny Him will reap the consequences of their actions.

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