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The Battle of the Mind: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights

The Finished Work of Jesus in Spiritual Warfare

  •  Spiritual warfare is not about trying to obtain victory, but rather about holding on to the victory that Jesus has already achieved for us.
  •  Believing in the promises of God and staying in faith is crucial in spiritual warfare, as it allows believers to stand in victory and overcome stress and worry.
  •  Jesus was the ransom paid for the sins of the entire world, allowing us to go free from the consequences of sin.
  •  The favor of God is not earned, but freely given as a sin offering and ransom.
  •  The payment for all of our sins and the consequences of our sins was made at the cross, showing the powerful love and grace of God.
  •  “My healing is finished. My deliverance is finished.”
  •  Our victory in spiritual warfare comes through the unmerited favor of God, through His grace and what Jesus has already done, not through our own efforts or intercession.

The Power of Aligning Thinking with God’s Word

  •  Your mind is the battleground that determines the outcome of your life.
  •  By aligning our thinking with God’s word, we can live an abundant life.
  •  Changing your thinking is the key to changing your life, but it’s important to align your thinking with the one who created you.
  •  You have authority over every demonic force and over all the power of the enemy, nothing shall by any means hurt you.

Overcoming Condemnation and Negative Thoughts

  •  Condemnation can be fought by reminding oneself that there is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
  •  When facing condemnation and negative thoughts, speak out against them and declare that there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
  •  Every time sin consciousness comes to mind, respond with the words “because of the offering of Jesus, no more sin consciousness.”


  •  Your life is a product of your thinking, so it’s crucial to allow God to access your mind in order to produce a good life and overcome Satan’s manipulation.
  •  Be aware of the devil’s deceitful strategies, take authority over demonic spirits, and maintain victory in spiritual warfare by relying on the Lord’s strength and word.
  •  Believers in spiritual warfare must rest in faith, believe in the promises of God, and combat condemnation by declaring there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.
  •  Jesus’ sacrifice purged sin consciousness, so combat it with words and rest in His finished work for victory in spiritual warfare; Jesus’ declaration “it is finished” on the cross completed propitiation, redemption, and reconciliation, allowing us to go free from the consequences of sin.
  •  God freely gives us favor through Jesus’ sacrifice, and we should receive the finished work of the cross by faith, knowing that everything we need for life and godliness has been given to us.
  •  Submit to God, resist the devil, and embrace God’s grace to overcome spiritual warfare and experience victory in life.
  •  The battle of the mind is crucial, relying on the word of grace and not self-righteousness, accepting Jesus, and giving out of gratitude are key to victory.
  • Be grateful for God’s blessings, join community events, and stay connected in worship; serve others, spread love, take notes, rejoice, and trust in God’s ability to keep you strong.


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