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The Courage to Keep Going: Charles Stanley


Perseverance and Determination

πŸ’ͺ “As a follower of Jesus Christ, giving up is not who we are. Surrendering is not who we are. Throwing in the towel, we say that’s not who we are.”


πŸ™ One of the motivations that kept Paul going in the face of adversity was his awareness that God was with him.

πŸ™ Despite facing immense pressure and reasons to give up, the Apostle Paul’s awareness of God’s presence with him allowed him to persevere.

πŸ’ͺ “If I believe what He says is true and He’s true to His word, I’ll not give up no matter what’s going on.”

πŸ’ͺ The strength to overcome any situation comes from the awareness of God’s presence and the release of His strength within us.

πŸ’ͺ The Apostle Paul never gave up or quit, even in the face of criticism and potential crucifixion, because he experienced the strength of Almighty God in his life.

πŸ™ Our awareness of God’s presence can enable us to face any difficult situation and circumstance without giving up.

πŸ™Œ Paul’s unwavering commitment to following God’s will and purpose for his life serves as an inspiring example of perseverance and determination.

Trusting God’s Plan

πŸ™ “In the future, there is laid up for me the crown of righteousness, which the Lord the righteous judge will award to me on that day, not only to me, but to all who love His appearing.”

πŸ™ God allows us to face difficult situations to show us His faithfulness, power, and our own adequacy when we trust in Him.

πŸ™ When facing difficult times, we can find comfort and perseverance in the knowledge that God causes all things to work together for good because He has called us.

Finding Joy in Challenging Circumstances

πŸ˜‡ Rejoicing in the Lord during tough times allows us to trust His plan and receive His blessings.

πŸ’ͺ We can find joy and rejoice in the Lord, even in the midst of challenging circumstances and when facing the possibility of death.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is to stay committed, persevere, and trust in God’s presence and promises, even in the face of challenges and criticism, because quitting will not lead to success in life.

  1. πŸ”₯ Stay committed and persevere in your calling, even in the face of challenges and criticism, because God is with you and quitting will not lead to success in life.

1.1 How do you respond to painful situations like rejection, dishonesty, loneliness, and discouragement?

1.2 As followers of Jesus Christ, we should not give up or surrender, but instead have the courage to keep going and expect the best from Him.

1.3 There is an answer and solution to what God wants to do in your life, so be ready to preach the word in season and out of season.

1.4 Endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, and fulfill your ministry, for the Apostle Paul encourages young Timothy to never give up or quit, exemplifying this perseverance himself.

1.5 Stay committed and don’t give up, even when faced with challenges or reasons to quit.

1.6 Paul encourages Timothy to keep doing what God has called him to do, despite the challenges and criticism, because he knew that God was with him and quitting would not lead to success in life.

  1. πŸ™ Believing in God’s presence and promises gives us the courage to persevere through hardships, knowing that we will be rewarded if we don’t give up.

2.1 The speaker describes the numerous hardships and dangers he has faced, including beatings, imprisonments, shipwrecks, and dangers from various sources.

2.2 Paul faced immense pressure and challenges, but he persevered because he was aware of God’s presence and assurance that He was with him.

2.3 Believing that God is with us and will fulfill his promises gives us the courage to keep going, even in tough times, because giving up means giving up on God and potentially missing out on victory, opportunity, and reconciliation.

2.4 No matter how tough things get, if we don’t give up and walk in God’s will, we will be rewarded, just like Paul who never felt rejected or absent from Jesus in any situation.

2.5 The awareness of God’s presence and the strength of Almighty God within us can help us overcome any situation we face in life.

  1. πŸ’ͺ We have the strength of God within us to face any situation, so trust Him, stay committed, and follow His instructions to keep going and not give up.

3.1 The Apostle Paul never gave up because he experienced the strength of God in his life, and he encouraged others to pray for God’s strength and to be strong in the Lord and His power.

3.2 We have the strength of God to face any situation because it is not our strength, but the divine energy of God within us that enables us to live through it.

3.3 We have the right to experience the strength of God, as He will provide us with the necessary strength to face any situation and show us His faithfulness and power.

3.4 To have courage in life and understand God’s work, one must be in the Word and spend time with Him, as it is through reading the Word of God that we find strength and reassurance in difficult times.

3.5 Trust God and keep moving forward, knowing that He can turn any situation for our good, and stay committed to His will for our lives, just like the Apostle Paul did.

3.6 To keep going and not give up, it is important to follow God’s instructions and not walk away from opportunities or relationships, as the blessing or resolution may be right around the corner.

  1. πŸ”₯ Paul’s example of finding joy in difficult circumstances and trusting in God’s plan gives us the courage to keep going and rejoice in the Lord, even when we don’t understand why.

4.1 Paul understood that he was in God’s will and was guided by the Spirit, and we have the same promises and guidance from God to not give up and wonder what to do.

4.2 Paul, despite being in jail and facing difficult circumstances, found joy in sharing the gospel and knew he was following God’s plan for his life, which gave him the courage to keep going.

4.3 Rejoice in the Lord during tough times and trust that God has the best for you, even when you don’t understand why things are the way they are.

  1. πŸ“ God uses difficult situations to teach us and draw us closer to Him, so we should never give up and should take notes to remember important teachings and experiences.

5.1 God has the best for his children, and even though there may be difficulty and hardship, he will turn it for our good if we respond properly, as seen in the example of the Apostle Paul.

5.2 Write down the truth you learn, like the Apostle Paul did, because without his teachings we wouldn’t know important doctrinal truths about salvation and righteousness before God.

5.3 Don’t give up when things get tough because God is always there for you and uses difficult situations to draw you closer to Him and teach you to apply the truth.

5.4 Take notes on Sunday and refer to them during the week to remember important teachings and experiences, just like the Apostle Paul did in jail.

  1. πŸ”₯ Paul faced challenges and difficulties in his ministry, but he persevered, wrote down his teachings, and saw the churches grow despite their flaws and struggles, encouraging us to never give up with God on our side.

6.1 Paul faced challenges and difficulties in his ministry, but he persevered, wrote down his teachings, and saw the churches grow despite their flaws and struggles.

6.2 Paul endured hardships and conflicts, yet the gospel survived and we are encouraged by his example, the reward promised to us, and the impact of raising godly children.

6.3 There are countless ways that God can reward his children, so there is no valid reason for a child of God to give up or quit when they have God on their side.

  1. πŸ™ Don’t give up, because God is always with you, equipping you to face difficulties, and rewarding your obedience and devotion to Jesus Christ.

7.1 God is always with you, understanding and equipping you to face any difficulty in life, so don’t give up because right before you think you can’t handle anymore, God opens an awesome door.

7.2 When you feel like giving up, remember that you are not giving up on your job or your marriage, but on God, the supreme power who loved you enough to sacrifice his son for you.

7.3 The vision of the cross always before us allows us to boast only in the cross of Jesus Christ, as it is through his atoning death and shedding of his blood that we have salvation and forgiveness.

7.4 Jesus didn’t give up because he knew he was God in the human flesh, and we shouldn’t give up either because God has the best for us and will reward us for our obedience, faithfulness, loyalty, and devotion to Jesus Christ.

7.5 We should strive to live a life that reflects Jesus through our words, actions, and love, and even in times of suffering and hardship, we must not give up but instead ask God for wisdom and strength to keep going.

7.6 People who have gone through difficult times and trusted in God believed that He was with them, listening to their prayers, and reading the Word of God.

  1. πŸ”₯ Choose to face difficult situations courageously and trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior, because giving up is often driven by fear, hopelessness, and rebellion, but if you trust in the Lord and keep going, He will never leave or forsake you and will cause all things to work out for your good.

8.1 Choose to face difficult situations courageously and trust in Jesus Christ as your Savior, because giving up is often driven by fear, hopelessness, and rebellion.

8.2 If you are saved by the grace of God, you cannot lose your salvation or your relationship with Him, so trust Him, allow Him to live through you, and demonstrate to the world that Jesus Christ is who He says He is.

8.3 Trust in the Lord and keep going, even when tempted to give up, because He will never leave or forsake you and will cause all things to work out for your good.


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