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The Jewish New Year: Perry Stone


Interpretation Methods and Symbolism

  • 📜 Many scholars believed that the Hebrew language was the language of heaven and the language of the angels.
  • 🤔 The video highlights the importance of understanding and applying different methods of interpretation, such as taking the Bible literally, recognizing symbols, allegories, metaphors, and parables in order to fully grasp its meaning.
  • 📜 The Hebrew alphabet evolved from pictographs and later developed into the Aramaic script, which is commonly used in the Torah.
  • 💭 Using confession and the power of speech can help overcome challenges.
  • 🕊️ The use of parabolic symbolism in interpreting the numbers and symbolism in the Hebrew alphabet can reveal hints and clues about what to expect in the coming year.
  • 💬 “But in 5781, the mouth of God, which to me means God’s intervention and you speaking the word of God.”
  • 💪 “We are overcomers by the love that we have and by people seeing the love that we have and knowing that we care about them really.”

Political Turmoil and Prophetic Predictions

  • 🐍 The year of “total confusion with accusations” and political turmoil, symbolized by the snakes coming out of the basket, has been predicted for the past seven years.
  • 🔮 The speaker used a numerical system to predict the outcome of the 2016 presidential election based on the Hebrew alphabet, showcasing a belief in prophetic seasons and hidden meanings.
  • 🙏 The remnant that emerges will be powerful prayer warriors.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, holds symbolic significance in biblical tradition and represents a time of confession, separation, and God’s intervention, with potential future events that could astonish people.

  1. 👉 The speaker apologizes for their raspy voice due to diabetic medicine and expresses excitement to share something with the viewers.
  2. 📅 The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is approaching on September 18th and 19th, marking the change from 5780 to 5781, and it’s important to ignore critics and their opinions.
  • 2.1 For seven years in a row, the speaker has observed events aligning with the symbolism of the Jewish New Year, with the upcoming festival of trumpets on September 18th and 19th being a significant date.
  • 2.2 The Jewish New Year, known as Rosh Hashanah, is celebrated for two days and marks the change from one Jewish year to another, with the year changing from 5780 to 5781.
  • 2.3 Criticism is a common part of life, so it is important not to pay attention to critics and their opinions.
  1. 📚 The Jewish New Year explores the interpretation of the number 666 in the book of Revelation, discussing the numerical value of Greek and Hebrew letters and their significance in biblical texts.
  • 3.1 The Hebrew alphabet is considered the language of heaven and angels, and it is believed that God spoke to Adam and Apostle Paul in Hebrew, making it a special language used in interpreting the Bible and the law of God.
  • 3.2 There are hermeneutical laws in rabbinical interpretation of scripture that differ from traditional Greek-style interpretation, including literal, symbolic, allegorical, metaphorical, and parabolic interpretations.
  • 3.3 The Hebrew alphabet consists of 22 consonants with different shapes and forms, derived from pictographs and later developed into the Aramaic script, each letter having a numerical value.
  • 3.4 The Jewish New Year discusses the interpretation of the number value of letters in the Greek alphabet, specifically in relation to the biblical reference of the number 666 in Revelation chapter 13.
  • 3.5 The numerical value of the Greek letters used in the book of Revelation, specifically the first letter being 600, the second letter being 60, and the third letter being 6, resulted in the calculation of 666 as the number of the beast, which is also reflected in the King James Bible, but in the Byzantine manuscripts, it was represented by three Greek letters, and today, the numerical value of the Hebrew alphabet is also used for such calculations.
  • 3.6 The value of each letter in the Hebrew alphabet corresponds to a specific number, with the pattern of increasing by 10s after the 10th letter, and there are some corrections to be made on the chart.
  1. 📅 The speaker proposes celebrating the Jewish New Year now, emphasizing the significance of numbers in biblical tradition and sharing a prediction made in 2016 about the 45th president.
  • 4.1 Instead of waiting until January to align with the Gregorian calendar, the speaker proposes to celebrate the Jewish New Year now, claiming to be the first on the internet with this idea.
  • 4.2 During prophetic seasons, there is an angel called Palmoni in the book of Daniel who is known as the angel of numbers, indicating the significance of biblical numbers.
  • 4.3 The numbers 7, 40, 70, 100, 30, 20, 6, and 3 have specific meanings in Jewish tradition, and there is an angel associated with numbers in the book of Daniel.
  • 4.4 In the video, the speaker discusses the significance of numbers in the book of Daniel and Revelation, and shares a prediction made in 2016 about the 45th president.
  • 4.5 In the Jewish year 5780, the Hebrew letters Zain and p were connected to symbolize the events of that year, based on a system used by scholars and biblical students, which has been historically accurate.
  1. 📅 The Jewish New Year 5781 focuses on confession, parabolic symbolism, covenants, and the symbolic meanings of the year’s letters.
  • 5.1 In the year 2020, people’s mouths became a weapon, and the speaker emphasizes the importance of using confession to overcome this issue.
  • 5.2 The speaker discusses the use of parabolic symbolism in predicting events for the upcoming year 5781, starting with the festival of Rosh Hashanah on September 18th.
  • 5.3 The Torah readings for this Jewish New Year will focus on the themes of covenants, emphasizing God’s faithfulness and his promises to the people.
  • 5.4 In the Jewish New Year, the individual letters of the year 5781 represent various symbols such as seeing or experiencing, a plow or weapon, a fence or separation, and an ox symbolizing strength and leadership.
  1. 🔒 Stay committed, be vigilant, and guard your heart and mind in the coming year, separating yourself from negative influences and surrounding yourself with supportive friends, as there will be a separation of the good from the bad in the Jewish New Year.
  • 6.1 In the upcoming year, it is important to stay vigilant, guard against the enemy’s tests, and not look back or turn away from our goals.
  • 6.2 Stay committed, be vigilant, and guard your heart and mind in the coming year.
  • 6.3 Separate yourself from negative influences and put up boundaries to protect yourself from those who speak negatively or gossip, just as there will be a separation of the good from the bad in the Jewish New Year.
  • 6.4 Spirit-filled people who love God will eventually be separated from those who are not, as stated in the Bible, and it is important to align oneself with the things of God, carry burdens, and be willing to separate from anything one should not be connected to.
  • 6.5 The speaker emphasizes the importance of having supportive and true friends in life, as well as the need to endure and bear the weight of challenges, as mentioned in the Bible.
  1. 📅 The Jewish New Year of 5781 symbolizes God’s intervention and promises, emphasizing the importance of enduring, showing love, and confessing His word, with the letter “shin” representing God’s name and signifying a year of forming a strong remnant, while the number 5781 means “you will be amazed,” possibly hinting at a future event that could stun people.
  • 7.1 In the Jewish New Year of 5781, it is important to endure and stand firm, as the year symbolizes God’s intervention and speaking His word, reminding us of His covenant promises.
  • 7.2 We overcome in warfare by showing love and caring for others, confessing the word of God, and speaking His promises to strengthen our spirit, soul, and mind.
  • 7.3 In 2021, the Hebrew letter “shin” represents the name of God and is symbolically present in the shape of the mountains surrounding Jerusalem.
  • 7.4 The letter shin represents God’s name and signifies a year of reducing numbers to form a strong remnant of faithful and obedient individuals, whether in a church, ministry, or friendships, who will be powerful prayer warriors.
  • 7.5 The number 5781 in the Hebrew calendar is significant because when broken down into individual letters, it forms a Hebrew word that means “you will be amazed.”
  • 7.6 The speaker suggests that something will happen in the future that will amaze and stun people, possibly the re-election of the current president, although they do not have any information or predictions on the matter.
  1. 🔮 The speaker claims to have prophetic knowledge and believes that the Holy Spirit enables certain individuals to see things, encouraging viewers to subscribe and support the channel.
  • 8.1 The speaker claims to have a gift of prophecy and knowledge, and believes that the Holy Spirit allows certain individuals to see things.
  • 8.2 Subscribe to the YouTube channel and click the bell for alerts on new videos, as the channel is supported by donations and aims to educate and encourage viewers.

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