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The Purpose of Suffering: Creflo Dollar

Key Insights

Dependence on God in Times of Suffering

  •  Without complete dependence upon God, we can do nothing and cannot experience the abundant life that Jesus offers.
  •  Trials serve as opportunities for us to let go of our pride and self-sufficiency, and instead, humbly rely on God for guidance and strength.
  •  Complete dependence on Jesus can lead to deliverance from all trials and challenges.
  •  Jesus’s unwavering dependence on God’s will, even in the midst of intense suffering, serves as a powerful example for us to prioritize God’s will over our own desires.
  •  The main purpose of suffering and persecution is to cultivate a complete dependency on God, shifting away from self-reliance and towards reliance on Him.
  •  Reflecting on past experiences can help us realize the importance of depending on God and seeking His guidance in our lives.
  •  Jesus prayed for Simon’s faith not to fail, highlighting the importance of faith in times of suffering.

The Purpose of Suffering and Trials

  •  Suffering is a means for believers to be matured and strengthened in their faith.
  •  The trial of our faith is more valuable than gold, as it leads to praise, honor, and glory when Jesus Christ appears.
  •  The idea that Jesus, as the captain of salvation, was made perfect through his sufferings challenges the notion that suffering is inherently negative.
  •  “Everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ will suffer persecution.” – There is a purpose for suffering and it is a part of living a godly life.
  • 🤔 Jesus’s prayer for Peter’s faith to not fail challenges the notion that prayers are always answered.

Suffering as a Path to Transformation and Greatness

  •  Jesus had to go through hell to fulfill God’s plan for him, suggesting that suffering may be necessary to reach our intended purpose.
  •  Jesus became the captain of our salvation through the suffering he endured, proving that suffering can lead to greatness.
  •  The trial of faith, like Peter’s, can be challenging but ultimately leads to growth and transformation.
  •  The devil wants to destroy you, but if you discover your true identity and connection to God, no weapon in hell can scare you.


  •  Trials and suffering are necessary for believers to mature and grow in their faith, as they purify and perfect our dependence on God, reminding us of our need for Him.
  •  Suffering is a means to find provision and dependence on God, challenge traditional beliefs, gain wisdom, and fulfill our purpose, as relying on oneself hinders progress.
  •  Suffering is necessary to fulfill God’s will and prioritize His purpose over our own, as demonstrated by Jesus in the garden of Gethsemane.
  •  Many people are possessed by demons and need immediate deliverance; we have the authority to cast them out in the name of Jesus, and suffering is meant to prepare us for our purpose and cultivate dependence on God.
  •  Suffering teaches us to depend on God, as seen in Peter’s trial of faith, where Jesus prayed for his faith not to fail but Peter still denied knowing Jesus three times, leading to a deeper sense of need for his Lord.
  •  Suffering can lead to spiritual growth and dependence on God, so we should let go of childish ways, study teachings, and develop our minds to overcome fear and defeat.
  •  Moving to a new location won’t solve your problems; change and address the underlying issues within yourself, understand your identity in Christ, and let grace teach you to recognize when God is trying to help you.
  •  Suffering is a method used by God to mature individuals and teach them to depend on Him, as we must trust and rely on Him in every trial and aspect of our lives, and prepare for a move of God coming.

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