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The Stages of Our Faith: Charles Stanley


The Power and Importance of Faith

πŸ’ͺ “Great faith has focus on God and it doesn’t waver.”

πŸ™ Our success in life and how God uses us is greatly determined by our faith in Him and our willingness to trust Him.

πŸ’” Without faith, it is impossible to please God, as belief in Him and His rewards is essential for a pleasing relationship with Him.

πŸ’ͺ God has all power and loves us, making Him the one we should turn to in challenging times.

πŸ™ Great faith is unwavering and believes that God not only can, but will fulfill His promises.

πŸ™Œ The Centurion recognized that Jesus was both a man with authority and a man under authority, showing his understanding of Jesus’ power and obedience to God.

πŸ™ “All you have to do is speak the word and my servant is going to be healed that is great faith.”

πŸ™ The woman with the hemorrhage had such great faith in Jesus that she believed simply touching the hem of his garment would heal her.

πŸ™ Perfect faith is a state of complete confidence and assurance, where we know that something is already done, even if others can’t understand or explain it.

πŸ™ Your faith matures when you see God answering your prayers, leading to a sense of assurance in your heart.

πŸ’° “If you have perfect faith about your giving, you know every Friday or Saturday, you don’t say oh well what am I going to do. No, you got paid, you gotta own ten percent.”

Faith in the Midst of Challenges and Doubts

🌊 Our faith is tested and tried through storms, difficulties, and hardships, revealing the true extent of our faith.

πŸ™ Only believers who keep their focus on God can find peace in the midst of storms and doubts.

πŸ’ͺ Despite facing a seemingly insurmountable challenge, David’s unwavering faith in God allowed him to overcome and achieve victory.

Controversial Aspects of Faith and Obedience

πŸ’” God tested Abraham by asking him to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac, highlighting the depth of Abraham’s faith and obedience.

πŸ”₯ Abraham’s willingness to offer his only son as a burnt offering raises controversial questions about faith and obedience.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that having unwavering faith in God’s promises and keeping our focus on Him leads to peace, joy, and confidence in every aspect of life.

  1. πŸ™ Focus on God who has all power, loves unconditionally, keeps promises, and never changes, as great faith remains steadfast, affecting every aspect of our lives and determining the outcome, while struggling in faith can be caused by human reason, living by sight, surrendering to feelings, seeking negative counsel, feeling guilt from past mistakes, neglecting the word of God, continuing in sin, and falling for Satan’s tactics of doubt and unbelief.

1.1 To overcome difficulties in life, focus on God who has all power, loves unconditionally, keeps promises, and never changes, as great faith remains steadfast.

1.2 Jesus always honored faith, and it is evident in Scripture that God honors faith because not believing in Him is to dishonor Him, as seen when Jesus reproached his disciples for their unbelief and hardness of heart even after his resurrection, emphasizing the importance of faith in every aspect of our lives.

1.3 Faith affects every aspect of our lives, including prayer, giving, health, healing, relationships, and success, and our faith in God determines the outcome.

1.4 The speaker discusses the reasons why we struggle in our faith, including human reason, living by sight, and surrendering to our feelings.

1.5 I learned that I shouldn’t decide what I can or cannot do based on just looking at something, as our sight and feelings can often deceive us.

1.6 Interferences to our faith include seeking negative counsel, feeling guilt from past mistakes, neglecting the word of God, continuing in sin, and falling for Satan’s tactics of doubt and unbelief.

  1. πŸ™ Our faith grows from little faith to stronger faith as we anchor ourselves in God’s word, trust Him, and focus on Him rather than our feelings.

2.1 Identify the reason for your lack of trust in order to understand why you can’t believe or rely on someone.

2.2 Unbelief is like an undertow pulling us away from God, so we must stay anchored in the word of God and have faith in Him to please Him.

2.3 When God challenges us to do something that we think is too hard or that we don’t feel adequate to do, doubting and disbelieving Him displeases God.

2.4 The stages of our faith involve progressing from a state of little faith to a stronger, growing faith, where we are able to handle challenges and circumstances more effectively.

2.5 Little faith is unsure and struggling to believe, but the key to faith is focus.

2.6 Jesus calms a storm on a boat, revealing the disciples’ lack of faith and reliance on their feelings rather than trusting in Him.

  1. πŸ™ Believers who keep their focus on God and trust in His will can find peace in difficult times, as there are two stages of faith – little faith that struggles between belief and doubt, and great faith that is mature and stands on the truth of God’s word.

3.1 The key to maintaining faith and peace during difficult times is to keep our focus on God and trust in His will, as only believers who have their focus on God can find peace in the midst of storms.

3.2 A father brings his possessed son to Jesus, expressing his struggling faith, and Jesus responds by saying that all things are possible for those who believe.

3.3 There are two stages of faith: little faith, which struggles between belief and doubt, and great faith, which is mature, growing, and stands on the truth of God’s word.

3.4 David’s focus was on God, not the giant, as he faced Goliath, demonstrating great faith.

3.5 Focus on God and set aside your feelings and distractions to deal with difficult things in life.

  1. πŸ™ Great faith believes that God can and will do what He has promised, trusts His timing, persists in seeking His help, and leads to perfect peace and joy.

4.1 Great faith is unwavering and believes that not only can God do something, but that He will do it.

4.2 A centurion demonstrates great faith by recognizing Jesus’ authority and believing that he can heal his servant without even coming to his house.

4.3 Having faith means trusting God’s will and persisting in seeking His help, as demonstrated by the Centurion and the Canaanite woman.

4.4 Great faith is willing to wait for God’s timing, doesn’t give up due to arguments or others’ opinions, and focuses on Jesus rather than the circumstances.

4.5 Perfect faith is about focusing on God and believing that what He has said will be done, reaching a point where you no longer ask Him for it because you trust Him completely.

4.6 When we reach a point of unwavering faith, where we know that God will fulfill our prayers, we no longer need to ask Him for it, but instead thank and praise Him, leading to a perfect peace and joy, as our faith grows and matures within us.

  1. πŸ™ Having unwavering faith in God’s promises and provision, trusting without doubt or questioning, leads to complete confidence and assurance in every aspect of life.

5.1 Faith rises when we continually come to God, trust in His promises, and reach a point of complete confidence and assurance where we know that it’s a done deal, regardless of what happens.

5.2 God places assurance in our hearts that matures our faith, leading us to no longer struggle in certain areas and allowing us to have perfect faith in His promises.

5.3 Trust in God’s provision and faithfully giving a tithe demonstrates perfect faith and eliminates worry about financial needs.

5.4 Have unwavering faith in God’s provision and trust that he can multiply what you have, without questioning or doubting, whether it’s in giving or forgiving.

5.5 Having faith means applying it to every situation in life, as demonstrated by Abraham’s perfect faith when he offered up his son Isaac.

  1. πŸ™ Abraham’s faith was tested when God commanded him to sacrifice his son Isaac, but he obeyed, demonstrating perfect faith in God’s promise.

6.1 Abraham and Sarah, both in their old age, struggled with the idea of having a son as God had promised them.

6.2 Abraham’s faith grew as he was tested by God to sacrifice his beloved son Isaac.

6.3 Abraham was tested by God, who already knew what he would do, to sacrifice his son Isaac as a burnt offering.

6.4 Abraham demonstrated perfect faith by obeying God’s command to sacrifice his son, believing that God would still fulfill his promise to bless all nations through Isaac.

  1. πŸ™ Keep your focus on God, have faith in His promises, surrender your life to Him, trust in Him for salvation, and seek His guidance in all aspects of life.

7.1 Limiting God limits every aspect of your life, so the key is to keep your focus on Him and have great faith in His promises.

7.2 When you surrender your life to God and have perfect faith, you can rejoice knowing that whatever he promises is a done deal because he has the power to make it happen.

7.3 Trust in God and ask for forgiveness and surrender your life to Him, and He will forgive your sins, change your life, and give you eternal life.

7.4 Believing in God and trusting in Him for salvation is a distinct act that can bring forgiveness and a new life, regardless of one’s past, and shifting focus from problems to God can bring about positive change.

7.5 Believers’ faith and confidence grow as they focus on Christ, trust God’s word, and choose the wise path over Satan’s lies.

7.6 Love others, be yourself, and seek God’s guidance in all aspects of life.

  1. πŸ™ Believing and trusting in God’s plan is essential, as it allows us to see beyond our circumstances and have a passion for God and compassion for others.

8.1 Jesus was not immediately recognized after his resurrection because those who saw him had witnessed his crucifixion and his appearance had likely changed significantly.

8.2 Jesus appeared in a different form to two men who didn’t recognize him, and the reason for their disbelief was likely due to witnessing his crucifixion and burial.

8.3 Despite Jesus explaining to them what would happen, the disciples struggled to believe that he was the son of God when he appeared to them after his resurrection, highlighting the issue of unbelief.

8.4 Believing and trusting in God’s plan is essential, as it allows us to see beyond our current circumstances and have a passion for God and compassion for others.

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