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The Tribulation Has it Already Begun: Perry Stone


⏳ According to biblical prophecy, the Great Tribulation lasts for a period of seven years, known as one prophetic week, as mentioned in Daniel 9:27.

⚠️ Once the upheaval caused by this event begins, there is no possible way for the people living on the planet at that time to escape its effects.

πŸ€” The fear and panic caused by the virus are unprecedented.

πŸ€” The signing of a seven-year treaty with Israel is believed to mark the beginning of the seven-year tribulation, as mentioned in Daniel 9:27.

πŸ’­ “Think about everything you’ve ever read and imagine it being worse than all of that combined.”

πŸ™ This is the best time to share the message of Jesus and get unsaved family members and others right with God, as people pay more attention during prophetic seasons.

🌍 The world is currently experiencing the greatest outpouring of the Holy Spirit in history, indicating that the Tribulation may have already begun.

⏰ The seven-year tribulation period will begin after the conclusion of the Church Age at the Rapture.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the tribulation period has not yet begun, but it is important to spread the gospel globally and prepare for the future.

  1. πŸ”₯ The speaker discusses whether the tribulation has already begun, explaining that it is a period of trouble and hardship, but Jesus has overcome the world, and cosmic disruptions and natural disasters will occur during this time.

1.1 The speaker discusses whether the tribulation has already begun, disagreeing with the belief that the coronavirus is the pale horse of Revelation, and explains that the tribulation is a period of trouble and hardship, but Jesus has overcome the world.

1.2 The Great Tribulation, a period of intense persecution and anguish, occurs at the end of the age and lasts for seven years according to biblical prophecy.

1.3 Cosmic disruptions, including falling stars and asteroid impacts, along with natural disasters such as earthquakes and volcanic eruptions, will occur during the tribulation period.

1.4 A mountain burning with fire falls into the sea, causing a tsunami that destroys ships and creates an upheaval that people cannot escape from.

  1. πŸ” The speaker explains why the current situation with the virus does not indicate the beginning of the tribulation period, citing the order of events in the book of Revelation and the lack of global peace being taken from the earth.

2.1 The current situation with the virus is causing unprecedented panic and fear among people.

2.2 The speaker explains why it is not possible for the tribulation period to have begun, citing the order of events in the book of Revelation and the lack of global peace being taken from the earth.

2.3 The speaker discusses the signs of the tribulation, including the second seal representing war, the third seal representing famine, and the fourth seal representing death caused by animal-borne viruses like the coronavirus.

2.4 95% of people recover from global pandemics like the Spanish Influenza in 1918, but despite past predictions during events like World War One, it is not accurate to claim that we are currently in the tribulation.

2.5 The Holocaust was a tribulation, but not the Great Tribulation, as it did not align with biblical prophecies, such as Jesus’ return, and throughout history, various individuals have been falsely identified as the Antichrist.

  1. πŸ” The current global shutdown has led some to believe it may be the beginning of the Tribulation period, which is connected to signs and triggers, including a seven-year treaty with Israel that will be broken in the middle, possibly linked to the war of Gog and Magog, with prophecies of Islam aligning with the Bible.

3.1 The current global shutdown due to the virus has led some to believe that it may be the beginning of the Tribulation period, which is connected to certain signs and triggers.

3.2 The seven-year tribulation will begin with the signing of a treaty with Israel, as stated in Daniel 9:27, and this treaty will be broken in the middle of the seven years, as described in Revelation 12-13, with the war of Gog and Magog possibly being connected to the tribulation.

3.3 The prophecies of Islam align with the Bible, suggesting that Muhammad may have read scripture from Jewish and Christian people, and all three religions have teachings about the end times, with differences in beliefs, but one common point is the need for a seven-year treaty.

  1. πŸ“– The two witnesses prophesy during the tribulation, emphasizing the importance of relying on the Bible for truth, while Jesus foretells signs of his return and the start of the Messianic government, with the key being the preaching of the gospel in all nations.

4.1 During the first part of the tribulation, two witnesses, one of whom is believed to be Elijah, prophesy for 42 months, disrupt the area, are killed in the middle of the tribulation, and then are raised from the dead after three and a half days.

4.2 The speaker emphasizes the importance of relying on the Bible rather than personal opinions or dreams to determine the truth about the two witnesses and the tribulation.

4.3 The speaker clarifies that we are not currently in the tribulation, but in Matthew 24, Jesus discusses the destruction of the temple and the signs of his return and the end of man’s government.

4.4 Jesus foretells of deceptions, wars, rumors of wars, famines, pestilences, and earthquakes as the beginning of the birth pains, indicating the start of the Messianic government.

4.5 The speaker discusses the key to the end being the preaching of the gospel in all nations, followed by the abomination that makes Jerusalem desolate and the great tribulation, similar to the Holocaust.

  1. 🌍 The tribulation is happening now and it’s important to spread the gospel globally during this prophetic season, as there is a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the younger generation.

5.1 We should not isolate ourselves from sinners and try to survive, but instead face the tribulation that is worse than World War One and Two combined.

5.2 This is the best time to witness and spread the gospel globally, as people pay attention during prophetic seasons, and the speaker’s ministry is actively preaching the gospel through various platforms and events.

5.3 In the last days, there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the younger generation before the tribulation period, as prophesied in Joel 2, and this is currently happening, making it the greatest outpouring in history.

5.4 Stadiums in America and Latin America are hosting meetings where thousands of kids and young people are showing up, indicating a global phenomenon.

  1. πŸ” Focus on preparing for the future instead of getting overwhelmed by negative signs, as the speaker discusses the ministry’s efforts to spread the gospel worldwide and emphasizes understanding God’s grace before the tribulation.

6.1 Focus on preparing for the future instead of getting overwhelmed by negative signs.

6.2 The speaker discusses the ministry’s efforts to spread the gospel through various methods and technologies, reaching millions of people worldwide, and emphasizes the importance of understanding the dispensation of the grace of God before the start of the seven-year tribulation.

  1. πŸ“š Perry Stone’s latest book explores questions about the afterlife, including the fate of children and the timing of one’s death, while also discussing the difference between the soul and spirit, communication in heaven, and the judgment at the Bema.

7.1 Perry Stone’s latest book, “Secrets of the Third Heaven,” explores intriguing and mysterious questions about the temporary home of spirits and souls that have died in Christ, including whether all children go to heaven and if God can reveal the exact day and hour of one’s death.

7.2 The speaker answers various questions about the afterlife, including the difference between the human soul and spirit, communication in heaven, the fate of those whose names are not in the Book of Life, and the judgment at the Bema.

7.3 This teaching explains what to expect and how you will be rewarded or stand ashamed, and you can order the book and audio teaching for $35.00 or more.

7.4 The speaker discusses a study on complicated and controversial questions about heaven, death, life after death, and paradise, and mentions a prophetic summit with more information available on their website.

7.5 The current global pandemic has caused disruptions in people’s lives similar to the Great Depression, and we are living in prophetic times where it is important to understand and explain future events such as the Antichrist, the Tribulation, Heaven, the return of the Lord, the judgments, and the Millennial Reign.

7.6 Support the works of God, including local churches and missions, because in the end, you can only take your eternal reward and the people you’ve helped.

  1. πŸ“’ Perry Stone invites you to join his 2020 Israel tour, with limited seating available, so call today for more information and how to register.

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