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The Trump Presidency- Prophetic Projections and Patterns: Perry Stone


  • 🔁 Prophetic cycles reveal repetitive patterns in history, like the destruction of the temple by the Babylonians and Romans occurring on the same date on the Jewish calendar.
  • 📚 The speaker claims to have conducted in-depth research and presents a detailed list of historical patterns, suggesting that there are five things on the list that were unknown to them until recently.
  • 🤔 The similarities in the names, backgrounds, and actions of Lincoln and Kennedy suggest a pattern that goes beyond mere coincidence.
  • 🤠 Despite being mocked and underestimated, Donald Trump became president and served two terms, proving his critics wrong.
  • 🔮 “I want to talk for a moment about president number 45” – The speaker hints at discussing the future and the presidency of Donald Trump.

Cyrus, a leader of the Persian Empire, dealt positively with the Jewish people, providing them with four things to do.

  • 📜 The Bible states that those who bless Israel will be blessed, while those who curse Israel will be cursed.
  • 💡 “The Trump presidency: The prophetic projections and the possible patterns.”


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that understanding the prophetic patterns and projections of the Trump presidency is crucial in comprehending the significant changes in America and the correlation between prophetic preaching and world leaders.

  1. 🔮 Understanding the prophetic projections and patterns of the Trump presidency is crucial in comprehending the significant changes in America and the correlation between prophetic preaching and world leaders, with examples of biblical symbols foreshadowing the crucifixion of Christ.
  • 1.1 The speaker discusses the prophetic projections and patterns of the Trump presidency, emphasizing the importance of understanding the reasons behind the drastic change in America and the connection between prophetic preaching and world leaders.
  • 1.2 There are four layers of prophetic interpretation: the sure word of prophecy, prophetic patterns, prophetic cycles, and types and shadows.
  • 1.3 Abraham offering Isaac, the ashes of the red heifer, and the brass snake on the pole are all biblical symbols that foreshadow the crucifixion of Christ.
  1. 🔄 History repeats itself as seen in the eerie parallels between Lincoln and Kennedy’s lives, assassinations, and involvement in civil rights.
  • 2.1 History is cyclical and repeats itself, as observed by the Greeks through patterns in tides, seasons, and moon cycles, and this pattern can be seen in the Trump presidency.
  • 2.2 Lincoln and Kennedy had numerous parallels in their lives, including their election years, bodyguards’ names, doctors’ names, places of death, bodyguards’ deaths, vice presidents’ names, and their involvement in civil rights and eloquence.
  • 2.3 John Wilkes Booth, who killed Lincoln, and Lee Harvey Oswald, who killed Kennedy, were born 100 years apart in 1839 and 1939 respectively, and both had 15 letters in their names, while Lincoln and Kennedy both had 7 letters in their names, and Andrew Johnson and Lyndon Johnson, who were both vice presidents and later became presidents, had 13 letters in their names, and both presidents were involved in civil rights and had their elections contested.
  • 2.4 Both Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy had numerous eerie similarities in their assassinations, including the timing, method, presence of their wives, assassins’ identities, warnings from secretaries, and being shot by radical southerners.
  1. 🔮 Despite division and accusations of election theft, the Trump presidency follows a prophetic pattern similar to the Old Testament, with God ultimately in control and able to change leaders; Trump’s unexpected rise to power and his impact on communism are seen as a miracle.
  • 3.1 History has repeated itself in the Trump presidency, with similarities to a pattern in the Old Testament, due to being in a prophetic cycle.
  • 3.2 During major elections, there is always division and accusations of election theft, but the speaker reminds people that God is in control and can change leaders according to Daniel 2:21.
  • 3.3 The speaker discusses the prophetic cycle of US presidents and recounts an encounter with Ronald Reagan where a prediction was made that he would become president if he walked uprightly before God.
  • 3.4 Despite being mocked and having 16 other candidates ahead of him, a non-politician became president and served two terms, outliving those who doubted him, which was seen as a miracle of God, and he is known for the collapse of communism.
  1. 🔮 President Clinton’s presidency fulfilled a prophetic pattern, President Obama’s presidency was predicted to be unfriendly towards Israel, and President Trump’s significance as number 45 was confirmed after the election.
  • 4.1 Bill Clinton’s presidency fulfilled the prophetic pattern of Ahab and Jezebel, including the occurrence of nine specific patterns, such as the mention of a lying spirit in the Bible story, which was reflected in Clinton’s impeachment for lying.
  • 4.2 President Obama’s presidency was predicted to be unfriendly towards Israel based on a Torah reading, and now the speaker wants to discuss the future of President number 45.
  • 4.3 The speaker predicted before the election that the number 45, representing President Donald Trump, would be significant and mean “what,” and this was confirmed when a news anchor used the word “what” to describe the American people’s reaction after the election.
  1. 🔮 President Trump’s presidency may follow a pattern similar to Cyrus in the Bible, with potential plans for rebuilding and wealth transfer.
  • 5.1 There is a pattern of Cyrus in the Bible where a previous administration did not treat Israel well, but Cyrus, a leader of the Persian Empire, positively dealt with the Jewish people and gave them four things to do.
  • 5.2 Cyrus permitted the rebuilding of the foundations and the construction of a protective wall around Jerusalem, despite opposition from some individuals.
  • 5.3 Cyrus’s leadership resulted in a wealth transfer and the rebuilding of the Jewish temple, suggesting a potential pattern in President number 45’s plans.
  1. 🔮 Evangelicals believe that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed, as seen in historical examples of God removing favor and blessings from nations that tried to take land from Israel.
  • 6.1 Evangelicals are tied to Israel because of biblical passages that state those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed.
  • 6.2 When God says “I will curse,” it means to bitterly curse and totally remove favor, protection, and assistance, while the word “curse” in another context means to reduce in size or make small.
  • 6.3 God will remove favor and blessings from those who try to take land from Israel and reduce it, as seen in the decline of Egypt and the rise of the Assyrians and Babylonians.
  1. 📺 America has lost influence and respect, with increasing debt and natural disasters, but there is excitement about the International Prophetic Summit 2017 and its topics including parallels to the Maccabee revolt, President Trump and the Cyrus anointing, Mystery Babylon, and decoding prophetic cycles.
  • 7.1 Throughout history, various nations have faced consequences for mistreating the Jewish people, and the speaker argues that America has also lost its influence and respect as a nation in recent years.
  • 7.2 Our debts have reached an unprecedented level and natural disasters have increased, possibly due to decisions made by previous presidents, but now there is a change and excitement about a new offer for the International Prophetic Summit 2017.
  • 7.3 The DVD or CD album contains 11 messages on various topics including America’s parallels to the Maccabee revolt, President Trump and the Cyrus anointing, Mystery Babylon, the prophetic mystery of Melchizedek, the days of Noah, decoding the final prophetic cycles, and America’s parallels with Jerusalem from 66-80 to 70-80.
  1. 📺 Perry Stone discusses upcoming preaching engagements, encourages viewers to visit his website for more information, and invites them to join him on his 2017 Israel tour.
  • 8.1 Order the DVDs or CDs for a donation of $75 or more, including shipping, by calling 1-821-BREAD or going online to
  • 8.2 The speaker recommends visiting to access the international prophetic summit, which offers fresh insight and content on current and future events, and encourages viewers to purchase the CD or DVD album to support the show.
  • 8.3 Take advantage of the offer to learn about the end times and the work that needs to be done to spread the Word of God, including preaching in regional areas like Texas.
  • 8.4 Perry Stone discusses his upcoming preaching engagements and conferences, encourages viewers to check his website for more information, and invites them to join him on his 2017 Israel tour.

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