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The Truth About Our Elites: Jimmy Evans


🌍 “Build back better” is a phrase associated with the Great Reset, a concept discussed by Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum.

πŸ’° The elites are using the pandemic as an excuse to take over the world’s economy and implement a cashless society, ultimately leading to the fulfillment of biblical prophecies.

πŸ’‘ The World Economic Forum’s goal is to bring about a global plan similar to what Hitler wanted, extending the tyranny he achieved in Germany to the entire planet.

🧠 Klaus Schwab suggests that the next step after microchips in clothing is a brain chip, potentially tied to the mark of the beast.

πŸ€– AI is being developed to run the back end of a global cashless digital system, merging and controlling people’s buying and selling, highlighting the power and influence of AI in society.

πŸ’­ They pitch brain chips as a convenience and medical saving device, but they can also erase your thoughts, targeting people with PTSD and depression.

πŸ’» The idea of downloading instant information into our brains, like in the movie “The Matrix,” is becoming a reality with brain chip technology.

πŸ’€ The implementation of the mark of the Beast system, as mentioned in Revelation 13, could involve monitoring people’s location and enforcing obedience through brain chips, potentially leading to dire consequences for those who resist.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that Klaus Schwab and the elites are using the pandemic to implement a cashless, biometric system controlled by brain chip technology, potentially leading to a global tyranny and the worship of the Antichrist.

  1. πŸ“Ί The video discusses Klaus Schwab’s connection to the “build back better” campaign slogan and the upcoming mark of the beast, as the elites use the pandemic to economically take over the world and implement a cashless, biometric system.

1.1 The video discusses Klaus Schwab, his connection to the “build back better” campaign slogan, and the upcoming mark of the beast.

1.2 There is a conference coming up with various speakers discussing the signs of the times, and if you buy tickets online now, you can get a discount.

1.3 Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum are setting up the development of the mark of the beast, as discussed in relation to Bible prophecy.

1.4 The elites are using the pandemic as an excuse to economically take over the world and implement a cashless, biometric system that aligns with the biblical prophecy of the Mark of the Beast.

  1. 🚩 Klaus Schwab, founder of the World Economic Forum, is accused of bringing Hitler’s agenda to the world and promoting a global tyranny similar to the rise of the fourth Reich.

2.1 Klaus Schwab, the speaker discusses, has a connection with Hitler and is now bringing Hitler’s agenda to the whole planet, as he grew up in Hitler’s Germany and his dad was a friend of the Nazis.

2.2 The speaker discusses the background and goals of the World Economic Forum, stating that its founder’s vision for the planet is similar to Hitler’s plan for a global tyranny, which he refers to as the rise of the fourth Reich.

  1. πŸ” The elites are pushing for a cashless economic system controlled by microchip technology, including brain chips, as revealed by Klaus Schwab and Sergey Brin, which could potentially allow others to measure people’s brain waves and reactions.

3.1 The elites want to implement a cashless economic system and control buying and selling through microchip technology, including a brain chip, as revealed by Klaus Schwab in a 2016 interview.

3.2 In a 2017 interview, Sergey Brin, co-founder of Google, revealed plans for brain chips that will control people’s buying and selling, as part of a global cashless digital system run by AI.

3.3 In the future, people may have brain implants that allow others to measure their brain waves and immediately know how they react to certain things, which is not a conspiracy theory.

  1. πŸ“Ί Evil elites are confident in their plans due to people’s compliance during the pandemic and they train others to dismiss anyone who questions them.

4.1 The speaker discusses the importance of sharing videos and transcribing them to show the true dialogue of elites and their beliefs.

4.2 Evil elites are confident in their plans because people readily gave up their economy and freedoms during the pandemic, and they train others to dismiss anyone who questions their actions.

  1. πŸ’‘ Brain chip technology is being marketed as a convenient solution for regaining lost abilities and alleviating mental health issues, targeting younger generations.

5.1 In 2016, the speaker discussed the idea of a brain chip connected to clothing, which would allow for control over buying and selling and the ability to read thoughts.

5.2 Brain chip technology is being pitched as a panacea and an upgrade for humanity, with the younger generations being enticed by the idea of accessing their thoughts without the need for a keyboard.

5.3 Brain chips are being marketed as a convenient and medical solution to regain lost abilities, erase traumatic memories, and alleviate depression and PTSD, targeting younger generations.

  1. πŸ’‘ Information can be downloaded into the brain through a brain chip, and companies are developing a paid service to access and control people’s dreams.

6.1 Information can be downloaded into the brain through a brain chip, allowing instant knowledge acquisition and potential military applications, similar to the concept in the Matrix movies.

6.2 Companies are developing a paid service to access and control people’s dreams, which is being pitched as “dream flicks” or a dream version of Netflix.

  1. 🚨 The proposed brain chip technology could be used to monitor and control people, potentially leading to the worship of the Antichrist, as discussed in Revelation 13.

7.1 The brain chip technology being proposed by Schwab for a biometric electronic cash system could potentially be used to monitor and control people’s actions, including their worship of the Antichrist, as described in Revelation 13.

7.2 The speaker discusses the potential for a future where individuals can be tracked and controlled through technology, which may seem unlikely in America but is already starting to happen.

  1. πŸ“Ί Biden being in office is important because he is a disciple of Kyle Schwab and his campaign slogan “build back better” aligns with the concept of the great reset.

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