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Things That Cannot Be Shaken: Charles Stanley


God’s Purpose in Shaking the World

🌍 God is shaking the world to challenge our dependence on material things and redirect our focus towards Him.

🔥 God’s purpose in shaking things is to make Himself known and demonstrate His power among people.

💍 God promises to make Zerubbabel like a signet ring, chosen in a special way, indicating his divine favor and purpose.

🌍 God is still shaking nations today, causing them to tremble and experience unrest, despite all of humanity’s attempts to create peace and prosperity.

🌍 Throughout history, nations have been shaken by wars, plagues, and financial crises, highlighting the instability and limitations of human control.

🌍 Our pride and arrogance have led us to believe that we can create security and stability without relying on God, but the truth is that nothing we build will have any lasting stability apart from Him.

🌍 God’s ultimate plan for humanity cannot be disrupted by anything in this world, as He will shake everything on the face of the earth to fulfill His purpose.

⚖️ Placing anything between ourselves and God, including material possessions, will ultimately be removed as God does not tolerate idolatry.

⚡️ God shakes things to get our attention and make us realize our weaknesses and failures, so that we can fulfill the impact He has called us to make.

The Unshakeable Nature of God and Our Relationship with Him

🌍 God promises to destroy and cleanse the earth, creating a new heaven and earth where righteousness dwells.

🌍 Everything on this earth can be shaken, except for God, who remains steadfast and in control of all things.

💪 We have something in this life that cannot be shaken or taken away from us, something that money can’t buy and death can’t touch – our relationship with God.

💪 God possesses infinite and absolute attributes, such as love, justice, kindness, mercy, and wrath, making Him the ultimate and perfect being that cannot be surpassed or improved upon.

📖 “I have something that absolutely cannot be shaken: my God, His Word, and my relationship with Him.”

💪 “Because I’ve made him the priority in my life… I will not be shaken.” – Dr. Charles Stanley emphasizes the importance of placing trust in God to remain steadfast in the face of challenges.

The Power and Significance of Shaking Events

💥 The earthquake and other supernatural events that occurred during Jesus’ crucifixion, such as the tearing of the temple veil and the resurrection of saints, demonstrate the power and significance of this pivotal moment in history.

🌍 As the disciples spread the message of Jesus, God began to shake and tear loose the entire religious system of that time, initiating the evangelization of the whole world.


TLDR: God shakes the world to make Himself known and to remind humanity of the importance of holiness, obedience, and finding true security in Him.

  1. 🙏 God shakes the world to make Himself known, teaching the importance of holiness and obedience, and showing that He will not tolerate being ignored or replaced by anything man-made.

1.1 What would it take to shake your faith in God? Some may require a great deal, while others may question their unshakable faith in times of difficulty and heartache.

1.2 God is shaking the world and our false sense of security, and in the book of Hebrews, it is explained what God will shake.

1.3 God shakes things in order to make Himself and His power known among people, as seen in Exodus chapter 19.

1.4 God teaches the importance of holiness and obedience through the dramatic events at Mount Sinai, including smoke, fire, quaking, and the giving of the Ten Commandments.

1.5 God speaks to Zerubbabel, saying that He will shake the heavens and the earth, overthrow kingdoms, and make Zerubbabel like a signet ring.

1.6 God has shaken nations throughout history to show that he will not tolerate being ignored or replaced by anything man-made.

  1. 🌍 God has shaken the world in the past and continues to shake nations today, reminding humanity that true security can only be found in Him, as evidenced by the continuous problems and crises faced by the world.

2.1 During Jesus’ crucifixion, the earth shook, the veil in the temple was torn, and the old way was destroyed, signifying the establishment of a new covenant.

2.2 Jesus’ crucifixion shook the religious system, and as the Holy Spirit came upon the church, God continued to shake and tear loose the religious system of that time, ultimately shaking the entire world through the disciples’ evangelization.

2.3 Paul and Silas were arrested for preaching the gospel, but while in jail, they prayed and sang hymns, causing an earthquake that opened the prison doors and led to the conversion of the jailer.

2.4 God has shaken the earth in the past and continues to shake nations today, causing them to tremble and lack peace, contentment, and security.

2.5 God is shaking nations and reminding humanity that true security can only be found in Him, as evidenced by the continuous problems and crises faced by the world.

2.6 There will be no economic, national, or any kind of security on Earth.

  1. 🔥 The speaker argues that society is plagued with discontent and depression, and suggests that the church in the United States needs to be shaken by God in order to regain its passion and commitment to evangelism and missions, as God will shake everything on earth for His purpose and plan.

3.1 The speaker argues that there is no evidence to support the belief that things will get better and better, as society is plagued with discontent and depression.

3.2 The medical field is in an uproar as people are realizing that the current methods are not working, and there is a growing recognition of the importance of the creation theory in education and health.

3.3 Despite being one of the wealthiest nations, the speaker argues that the United States lacks stability and security due to its pride and arrogance, and suggests that the church in the nation needs to be shaken by God in order to regain its passion and commitment to evangelism and missions.

3.4 People cannot assume that everyone will be saved, as the Bible teaches that God is looking for committed individuals who study the Word, evangelize, and make an impact for His glory.

3.5 God will shake everything on earth, including governments, homes, society, and the church, because He has a purpose and plan that cannot be disrupted.

3.6 There is no true security in material possessions or worldly achievements, as God will shake and remove anything that is placed between us and Him.

  1. 🙏 Our faith in God cannot be shaken, as He is sovereign and unaffected by our actions, and while sin may run rampant, it serves to show us its wickedness and the cost of Jesus’ death.

4.1 Everything in existence today, except for the Christian faith, can be shaken, and God shakes things to get our attention and make an impact on the world.

4.2 The speaker discusses the idea that God will destroy the heavens and the earth, but will create a new earth that will be a part of heaven, where people can move freely between the two.

4.3 God will shake and ultimately cleanse the earth, including the nation that tolerates immorality and disregards Him.

4.4 Our trust in anything on this earth can be shaken, except for God who is sovereign and cannot be moved.

4.5 Prayer does not move God, but rather puts us in a position to align with His will and desires, as God is sovereign and unaffected by our actions, and while we may violate His laws, we cannot break or change them.

4.6 God allows sin to run rampant in order to show us its wickedness and the cost of Jesus’ death, but we can be sure that nothing in this world can shake our faith in God.

  1. 📖 The unchanging and unshakable Word of God provides eternal security and contentment, standing firm against criticism and rationalization throughout history.

5.1 Our heavenly father is unchanging, possessing infinite and absolute attributes, making him the ultimate and perfect being.

5.2 Our God and the Word of God cannot be shaken or destroyed, as they stand forever and are unchangeable.

5.3 There is only one true God, the God of the Bible, as all other gods and religions are man-made and lack the power and truth of the Word of God.

5.4 The Bible is the Living Word of God, revealing His nature and providing instructions for how to live.

5.5 The Bible has been criticized and rationalized throughout history, but it cannot be shaken and provides contentment, security, and eternal security to those who believe in it.

5.6 The unshakable Living Word of God will remain even after atheists, agnostics, unbelievers, and material possessions are gone.

  1. 📖 Our personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ and our faith in His Word cannot be shaken, as nothing can separate us from the love of God, even in times of tribulation and distress.

6.1 The Living Word of God, the Word of God itself, and our personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ cannot be shaken.

6.2 You placed your faith in God’s Word, accepting that Jesus died for your sins, and the Holy Spirit sealed you as a child of God, not by your works or faith alone.

6.3 The death of Jesus at Calvary took care of our sins and nothing can separate us from the love of Christ, even in times of tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, or sword.

6.4 Nothing can shake our relationship with Christ, as neither death, life, angels, nor any other created thing can separate us from the love of God.

6.5 If you believe you can lose your salvation, where is your security?

6.6 In a short sermon, the speaker emphasizes the importance of learning and understanding the principles, ways, and word of God, as it prepares individuals to face tragedies and challenges in life.

  1. 🙏 Your personal relationship with Jesus Christ cannot be shaken, even in times of doubt and difficulties, because God’s love is unwavering and unconditional.

7.1 God does not get upset or angry when we question or doubt Him, because He understands our struggles and difficulties.

7.2 God’s love is unwavering and unconditional, even when our faith falters or we go through difficult times.

7.3 Your personal relationship with Jesus Christ cannot be shaken, regardless of your anger or doubts towards God during times of hardship and difficulties.

7.4 Nothing can separate us from the love of God, even in times of doubt and false teachings.

7.5 David declares that he will not be shaken because he has made God his priority, trusting in Him as the source of everything in his life, and recognizing Him as his protector and provider.

7.6 If we have faith in Jesus and walk in obedience to Him, He will provide everything we need and nothing can shake our faith, including difficult circumstances, because we have an unshakeable God, an unshakeable revelation, an unshakeable relationship, and an unshakeable eternal home.

  1. 🙏 Trust in God, express gratitude, and serve Him because He has given us an unshakable kingdom and an indescribable place in heaven, which surpasses the temporary value of worldly possessions.

8.1 Everything we possess, including material things, position, prominence, prestige, popularity, and power, is insignificant compared to the riches of having a personal relationship with God and a home in heaven.

8.2 Nothing we have has lasting eternal value, as everything we possess will eventually be destroyed or lost, but what we do not have is eternal.

8.3 Since we have received an unshakable kingdom through our faith in Jesus Christ, our proper response should be gratitude towards God for His love, forgiveness, divine revelation, and unbreakable relationship with us.

8.4 Express gratitude and serve God because of what He has done for us, acknowledging that He has done the impossible and blessed us abundantly.

8.5 God has prepared an indescribable place in heaven for us, and it is unimaginable to not acknowledge and serve Him when He has given us eternal life and a home without any cost.

8.6 Trust in God and accept Jesus as your personal Savior to secure an eternal relationship and a place in heaven that cannot be shaken by worldly possessions or circumstances.

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