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Things the Bible Says We’ll Lose in the Last Days: Robert Breaker


Impact of Communism and Loss of Faith

🚫 Communism aims to take away individual rights and establish a totalitarian state, resulting in mass genocide when implemented.

😒 The world is losing its faith, with less and less people getting saved and churches preaching false Gospels, which is a sad reality.

πŸ€” “If you’re a communist you hate God and you hate the Bible because the state is God so we’re seeing a great loss of faith.” – Controversial statement linking communism to a loss of faith in God.

🀯 “They’ve been indoctrinated in the ways of socialism and communism and that is a bloody revolution doctrine.”

πŸ“– “That’s the only thing holding Society in this world together, the sound morals taught in the Bible of living a holy life of respecting others, esteeming them more highly than yourself, of trying your best to live right and not go do bad things.”

πŸ’€ “Communism has killed over 100 million people worldwide in the last 100 years but you want us to give up our rights and become that 250,000 died in Kovan 19.”

πŸ™ Our hope and faith should not be in politics or man, but in Jesus Christ who will keep us safe from the Antichrist.

βš”οΈ The battle between those who believe in their rights and Christians will come to a head soon, but the promise in the Bible is that the Lord will come back first.

🌍 The best way to fight the New World Order is to share the gospel and get people saved, as it prevents them from being under the rule of the Antichrist.

Decline of Love and Relationships

😒 In the last days, there’s a loss of love and people don’t love each other like they used to, which is really sad.

🌍 It’s important to acknowledge and discuss the things we’re losing in the world today, especially during these challenging times.

πŸ’Œ The speaker has received numerous emails from people who got saved by watching his videos, highlighting the impact of online content in spreading the message of faith.

πŸ™ “The most important duty of a Christian is our Christian duty to get people saved and when it comes to the gospel do not social distance.”

Loss of Knowledge and Wisdom

πŸ’” The death of older generations represents a great loss of knowledge and wisdom that cannot be replaced.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that the coronavirus pandemic and the loss of various aspects of life are seen as signs of the end times predicted in the Bible, and it is important to maintain faith, share the gospel, and stand up for religious freedom to prevent the rule of the Antichrist.

  1. πŸ“– In the last days, America is losing a lot of things due to the coronavirus pandemic, including knowledge, love, friendship, and the impact of social distancing.
  2. πŸ“– Communism is incrementally taking away people’s rights and freedoms, with the aim of establishing a new world order where everyone must take the mark of the beast or face death, but ultimately, those who are saved will prevail.
  3. πŸ“œ People are losing basic courtesy and empathy, social interaction is discouraged, faith is being lost, and our rights are being taken away, all leading to a decrease in love and connection among people as predicted in the Bible for the last days.
  4. πŸ“– Many are deeming churches non-essential, indicating a loss of faith; we are losing charity and grace, but it’s important to respond with patience and kindness.
  5. πŸ“– Grace is being lost in the world, particularly in the Democratic Party, and as we approach the rapture, preachers who uphold biblical teachings will face increased persecution.
  6. πŸ“œ We will lose important aspects of our lives such as friendships, love, freedom, and rights in the last days, and the potential consequences of giving up our rights and becoming socialist or communist are discussed, with a comparison made to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  7. πŸ“œ Doctors assuming COVID-19 deaths without certainty, concerns about loss of personal freedoms, predictions of one world government and mark of the beast, hope in Jesus Christ, witnessing loss of love and unity amidst pandemic.
  8. πŸ“– We are losing our rights, but by sharing the gospel and standing up for religious freedom, we can prevent the rule of the Antichrist and be on Jesus’ side in heaven.

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