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What and Who is The Anti-Christ?: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights

  • ⚠️ The spirit of Antichrist is already present in the world, and it is important to be aware of its influence.
  • 😱 Those who reject the love of the truth will be condemned to believe the lie of the coming Antichrist, experiencing strong delusions.
  • 🌐 The Anti-Christ is described as someone who will impress people with his ability to provide quick answers and information, similar to the convenience of technology like Google and smart devices.
  • 💰 The Antichrist will bring ultimate prosperity to the world, deceiving people with the illusion that everything he touches turns to gold.
  • 🔥 The Anti-Christ is likely to present themselves as a solution to global issues, such as crime and inequality, appealing to people’s desire for peace and prosperity.
  • 😱 The antichrist will deceive the world with a mock resurrection, causing people to marvel and submit to him.

Biblical Prophecies and Signs of the Antichrist

  • 🌍 Christians are called to be discerning and match what they see and hear in the news against the Bible to avoid being deceived by false prophets and false teachers.
  • 🤔 The number 666 is seen as a symbol of man trying to make himself to be god, representing the idea of human arrogance and self-deification.
  • 🌍 The Anti-Christ is believed to be a global religious unifier who starts small but gains significant influence over time.
  • 🏛️ The Anti-Christ is believed to declare himself as god in the newly rebuilt temple in Jerusalem, according to 2nd Thessalonians chapter 2.
  • 🤫 There is currently a lot of deception happening within the church, and it’s important to stay grounded in the Word of God to avoid being deceived.
  • 💀 According to the Bible, the Antichrist is said to survive an attack on his life, with his deadly wound being healed, causing the world to marvel and follow him.

Characteristics and Actions of the Antichrist

  • 📜 “He’s a politician…the ultimate politician when we read the old testament…the personification of what everyone wants in a politician.”
  • 💀 “Christians will die for following Jesus… It’s easier to live for Jesus now because you’ll have to die for him.”
  • 😮 “There’s a big tent. Thousands of people are gathering together people are flocking to this guy. He’s extremely charismatic.”


  • 🔍 Christians should invite others to church to learn about the antichrist and Jesus Christ, as it is important to understand his existence, warn others, and be aware of the presence of the antichrist spirit in the world, with the antichrist being a politician and those who deny Jesus as the Christ being manifestations of the antichrist spirit.
  • 🔮 The Antichrist, a future ultimate politician, will deceive people with quick answers and bring peace to the Middle East through a peace treaty, leading to destruction.
  • 🔍 The Antichrist will exploit people’s desire for stability and material gain by promising peace and prosperity, while the suggestion of implanting chips in everyone’s right hand or forehead is proposed as a solution to global problems.
  • 🔥 The Anti-Christ will implement a mark on the right hand or forehead, using facial recognition to control people’s ability to buy and sell, while the number 666 symbolizes man’s attempt to become god and people willingly sign up for the tracking system.
  • 🔮 The Anti-Christ will unify world religions, causing the death of tribulation saints, while Europe, with its mix of Christianity, irreligion, and secularism, is predicted to be the birthplace of the Antichrist.
  • 🔍 The woman riding on the back of a beast symbolizes the conquering of the world and the emergence of a new European leader, Macron, who represents a shift away from Judeo-Christian influence, potentially leading to the rise of the Antichrist.
  • 🔥 The Anti-Christ will persecute Jews, declare himself as god in a rebuilt temple, break deals, kill many, and Christians must follow Jesus now to avoid deception and persecution.
  • 🔥 The Antichrist will deceive and destroy people with lies, survive an attack on his life, and be worshipped by the world, but it is important to stay anchored in the word of God, trust in Jesus, and spread the word of God to others.

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