- 🙏 The speaker feels a sense of responsibility when delivering prophetic words, ensuring that they truly come from God.
- 💔 God hates some of the things America is doing, but he loves his people and even loves sinners.
- 💥 The anointing of the Holy Spirit can break out suddenly and bring about a divine intervention.
- 🌟 Revivals among school kids are breaking out in different parts of the United States, with young people praying for and witnessing to others, leading to healing and the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
- 🙏 The prayers of saints, like my dad and Mildred Collins, will be answered and bring about a revival in the United States.
- 🙌 In order to bring about revival, God had to remove the judgmental spirit from certain churches and areas.
- 😇 Don’t reject the last day outpouring of God’s revival because these hurting and suicidal kids need it to overcome their struggles.
- 📖 Perry Stone claims to have had visions and dreams that have accurately predicted national warnings years before they occurred, implying a potential ability to foresee future events.
- 💼 Economic blessings and favor are expected to come with unity, highlighting the importance of overcoming division in the country.
TLDR: The key idea of the video is that a revival is coming to the United States, bringing prophetic dreams and visions, and it is important for individuals to accurately deliver messages from God, remove judgmental attitudes, and collaborate between technology and theology for God’s end time move.
- 🔮 A speaker discusses a significant prophetic word about to happen in the United States and the responsibility of accurately delivering messages from God, emphasizing the importance of certainty and testing prophecies.
- 1.1 The speaker discusses a significant prophetic word about to happen in the United States and introduces a group of young people who are part of his ministry team.
- 1.2 The speaker discusses their prophetic abilities and the responsibility they feel to accurately deliver messages from God based on past predictions that have come true.
- 1.3 It is important to be certain before claiming that the Lord has spoken to you, and to test any prophecy to ensure it aligns with the word of God.
- 1.4 Avoid false prophecies and judging based on external appearances, as demonstrated by a story of a woman without a wedding band, and a preacher’s experience in Huntington, West Virginia.
- 🌊 A woman accurately transcribes messages and has a vision of a tsunami hitting both the west and east coasts of the United States, while the speaker feels a shift in the atmosphere and the Holy Spirit wanting all the kids to hear.
- 2.1 The speaker discusses a transcript from a woman who accurately transcribes messages and mentions a vision of a tsunami hitting both the west and east coasts of the United States.
- 2.2 The speaker had a word from the Lord and felt a shift in the atmosphere, with the Holy Spirit speaking and wanting all the kids to hear.
- 🔮 America will receive a wake-up call soon due to actions that go against God’s laws, but will be given another chance because of its history of helping others.
- 3.1 A significant sign is coming in the near future that will wake up America, as God loves the country but hates the actions that go against his laws.
- 3.2 America is a giving country that shows up first to help in disasters, and the Spirit of God promises to give another chance because of the good that Americans have done in the past.
- 🙏 Selective revivals will lead people to smaller towns and mountain areas, where they will experience a visitation from heaven and be taught by those who know the Lord, while revivals among school kids in certain states are resulting in prayer, witnessing, healings, and baptisms of the Holy Spirit.
- 4.1 The prayers and giving of good people who love God will come up before Him as a memorial, resulting in pockets of anointing and judgment.
- 4.2 Selective revival areas will draw people away from large cities to smaller towns and mountain areas due to the fear of violence, where they will experience a visitation from heaven and be taught by those who know the Lord.
- 4.3 Revivals are happening among school kids in various parts of West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Alabama, where they are going out, praying for people, witnessing, and experiencing healings and baptisms of the Holy Spirit.
- 🙏 God will answer prayers and initiate a revival in the United States, specifically in the Appalachian Mountains, through faithful churches, leading to a predicted rural revival and economic improvement for coal miners.
- 5.1 The coal industry in the Appalachian Mountains has been greatly affected by liberal politicians, causing poverty and job loss for coal miners, but there is a predicted rural revival.
- 5.2 God will answer the prayers of saints, leading to a revival in the United States.
- 5.3 God’s plan for an Appalachian Awakening is being initiated through prayer, and it will spread throughout the mountains, including areas in Tennessee and Alabama, although it may not be widely known throughout the United States.
- 5.4 God will use faithful churches that have remained steadfast in their devotion, even in small and humble circumstances, while cautioning against the tendency of some churches to focus on outward appearances rather than genuine faith.
- 🔮 God’s revival is coming to the United States, bringing prophetic dreams and visions, but judgmental attitudes in churches must be removed to save hurting and suicidal kids and fulfill God’s plan.
- 6.1 In the past, women were restricted from wearing certain clothing and makeup, but now it is important for men to see their potential partner without makeup before marriage.
- 6.2 There was a judgmental attitude towards people who looked different in churches, causing some to leave and resulting in the loss of the revival edge, so God had to remove the judgmental spirit in order to send the desired revival.
- 6.3 Don’t reject the last day outpouring of God’s revival because these hurting and suicidal kids, who are being bullied and depressed, need the Holy Spirit’s intervention, and judgmental and legalistic attitudes in churches will hinder the fulfillment of God’s plan to bring souls into the kingdom.
- 6.4 God will pour out his spirit on all people, resulting in prophetic dreams and visions, as indicated by recent blood moons, volcanic eruptions, solar eclipses, and the biblical prophecy of old men dreaming dreams and young men seeing visions.
- 🔮 Young people and older individuals must collaborate to merge technology and theology for God’s end time move, while the speaker emphasizes the importance of kids’ knowledge in fixing phones.
- 7.1 Young people with vision need to partner with older individuals who have dreams in order to fulfill God’s plans, merging technology with theology to bring about the end time move of God.
- 7.2 The speaker relies on kids to fix their phone because they believe that if the kids know how to do it, there is no need for them to learn.
- 🙏 God is sending a revival and the speaker wants to be a part of it, discussing the significance of dreams and visions, the importance of prayer, and upcoming speaking engagements.
- 8.1 God is sending a revival and the speaker wants to be a part of it, updating viewers on Facebook and potentially attending revivals with his family, including one in Cleveland, Tennessee.
- 8.2 In the last days, according to biblical prophets, there will be a holy spirit outpouring accompanied by visions and dreams, and Perry Stone’s DVD explores the significance of these dreams, including world leaders’ dreams that have altered historic events, the ability of those in a coma to perceive things through their spirit, discerning true spiritual warnings, understanding biblical symbols in dreams, and how angels manifest in dreams, among other topics.
- 8.3 God surprising the new world order, hidden information about emerging viruses as population control, a DVD and CD available for donation, support needed to keep the show on air.
- 8.4 The speaker discusses their ability to receive national warnings from God through visions and dreams, and encourages viewers to get a DVD that helps them understand how to discern these warnings, while also mentioning upcoming speaking engagements.
- 8.5 The speaker discusses the importance of prayer and invites viewers to join their online prayer sessions and submit prayer requests for themselves and their families.
- 8.6 Prayer is important during the upcoming election in the United States as the country is divided and needs unity to experience blessings and favor.