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What Kind of Transition Are You Looking For?: Jack Hibbs

Key Insights

  • 🌟 Life doesn’t end when we are buried, it continues on, and having an eternal perspective can help us navigate through pain and suffering.
  • πŸ˜… We may not glory in tribulations, but the scripture tells us to count it all joy when we fall into various trials because it produces patience.
  • πŸ™ The speaker emphasizes that God loves us but wants us to be transformed, challenging the notion of transformation being solely demonic and not from our heavenly father.
  • 🏈 Eli Manning’s journey from being criticized as a “not very good” player to leading his team to the playoffs shows the power of perseverance and overcoming adversity.
  • 🎀 The power of the gospel to change hearts and lives is hard to explain, but its impact can be profound and far-reaching.
  • 🌌 God’s perspective outside of time allows Him to bring good from difficult situations, even if it takes years or centuries to unfold.
  • πŸ™ The speaker’s statement, “If my mom can bring good from evil, so can God,” highlights the belief in the transformative power of faith and the ability to find meaning in difficult circumstances.
  • 🌍 The greatest Ripple in history is the choice of Adam and Eve to disobey God, which plunged humanity into sin and led to the need for redemption.
  • 🌍 The speaker emphasizes the importance of addressing the mismatch between psychology and biology when dealing with mental health issues, rather than simply accepting and affirming someone’s self-perception.


  • πŸ“Ί The speaker discusses the challenges people face, the importance of conducting oneself in the house of God, and finding hope and joy in tribulations, emphasizing that we are living in the last days.
  • πŸ”₯ Satan targets children, but God transforms us and undoes his influence; Eli Manning overcomes criticism and leads his team to victory, showing that challenges enhance rewards; Troubles lead to a deeper understanding of God, as seen in a teenager’s visit to a church in the 1970s; The speaker’s transformative experience leads to following a new path and creating Calvary Chapel Chino Hills.
  • πŸ“š Trust in God’s plan, lean into Him, and remember that He can bring good from difficult situations, as illustrated through the stories of Joseph, a woman who chose to bring her baby to term after being raped, and the ripple effect of Adam and Eve’s choice leading to redemption through Jesus Christ.
  • πŸ“š The speaker discusses the battle for identity, labels being manipulated, and the importance of aligning thoughts with God’s word, emphasizing that true identity comes from accepting Jesus and is free, secure, eternal, and non-competitive.
  • πŸ” The speaker emphasizes the importance of seeking transformation into Jesus, questioning the authority of teachings on gender issues, and the influence of social media on young girls claiming to be boys.
  • πŸ“š It is important to understand that the increasing identification as LGBTQ among younger generations is influenced by cultural transmission rather than biology, and it is crucial to provide support and acceptance for those experiencing gender dysphoria and homosexuality.
  • πŸ“š When discussing sensitive topics like transgenderism, it is important to prioritize honest and loving communication, consider the impact of childhood trauma, address the potential effects of pornography, understand the significance of monogamy, and educate oneself on the long-term effects of transitioning before making any decisions.
  • πŸ™ People are encouraged to fight against hate and spread the message of God’s kingdom, praying for the nation’s leaders and the awakening of churches.

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