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When We Feel Helpless: Charles Stanley


Turning to God in Times of Helplessness

πŸ˜” Helplessness means that you have passed the point of personal manipulation and are now at the mercy of God.

πŸ™ Despite the difficult circumstances, Jehoshaphat’s response to the situation was to seek the Lord and rely on Him for guidance and deliverance, emphasizing the importance of turning to faith in times of uncertainty.

πŸ™ Jehoshaphat’s response to feeling helpless in the face of a great multitude was to seek the Lord and proclaim a fast, highlighting the power of turning to God in times of fear and uncertainty.

πŸ™Œ Stand and see the salvation of the Lord – a call to have faith and witness the deliverance of God.

🎢 In the face of battle, instead of fighting, they chose to put the choir and orchestra in front and march towards their enemies, trusting in God’s power.

🎢 In moments of helplessness, praising and giving thanks to God for what we believe He will do in our lives can bring about His intervention and deliverance.

Finding Strength and Hope in Helpless Situations

πŸ™ No obstacle, obstruction, or enemy can overpower the child of the Living God, walking in faith.

πŸ˜” Feeling helpless is not a bad thing; it can be a turning point where we realize our need for God’s help and experience transformation in our lives.

πŸ™ Learning to rely on God and acknowledging our desperate need for Him is essential for finding true contentment, joy, and peace in life.

πŸ’” Sometimes God allows us to reach a point of complete helplessness and exhaustion in order to humble us and teach us to rely on Him to change our circumstances.

πŸ˜” “I don’t like to be in those hopeless or helpless situations, but I love to watch God do his work.”

πŸ˜‡ There is something gloriously exciting about being helpless and watching God work in your life, even in the midst of pain and difficulty.

Recalling God’s Faithfulness in Difficult Times

🌟 Recalling God’s past deliverances in our lives can provide us with hope and reassurance during difficult times, serving as a reminder of God’s faithfulness and ability to see us through challenging situations.

πŸ“– Reflecting on past experiences of how God has worked in our lives can provide encouragement and help us overcome feelings of helplessness in present and future situations.

πŸ€” Jehoshaphat finds strength in recalling God’s past faithfulness and power, reminding himself that no one can stand against God.

πŸ€” When we recall God’s faithfulness in the past, our current helpless situation doesn’t leave us hopeless.

🏰 Our understanding of who God is and recalling past events of how God has worked can strengthen our faith in times of helplessness.


TLDR: In times of helplessness, seeking God’s guidance through prayer, recalling His past faithfulness, and trusting in His power and love can provide hope, strength, and transformation.

  1. πŸ™ When we feel helpless, we should turn to God’s Word for guidance, seek the Lord, and have a praying friend for support and guidance.

1.1 When we feel helpless, we should turn to God’s Word for guidance and find the principles to help us through our situation.

1.2 Jehoshaphat, a good king of Israel, receives a message about three armies planning to attack and destroy him and his people, leaving him feeling helpless and unsure of what to do next.

1.3 The sons of Moab and Amon unite to make war against Jehoshaphat, who seeks help from the Lord and gathers all of Judah to do the same.

1.4 When we feel helpless, we should turn our eyes to seek the Lord, recognizing Almighty God as our first response.

1.5 Recognizing that we have someone to turn to ignites our faith and gives us hope, as demonstrated by King Jehoshaphat who not only sought God himself but also encouraged others to seek help from the Lord.

1.6 If you feel helpless and don’t know what to do, it is important to have a praying friend who you can turn to for support and guidance.

  1. πŸ™ Gather people to pray, cry out to God, and recall past deliverances to find hope and ignite faith; keep a diary to remember God’s work, read the Bible to see His actions, and record and reflect on His daily blessings.

2.1 In times of helplessness, it is important to gather people to pray for guidance, cry out to God for help, and recall past deliverances to ignite faith and find hope.

2.2 Keep a diary to record and remember how God has worked in your life, expressing your feelings, fears, hopes, and faith, as Satan will make you forget if you don’t write it down.

2.3 The Bible is not just the Word of God, but also a written account of how God has acted throughout history, and by reading it, we can see how He worked in the lives of individuals and nations and be blessed.

2.4 Recording and reflecting on the ways God has worked in our lives helps us feel encouraged and more aware of His daily actions.

2.5 Recording and observing the events in our lives allows us to see things more intimately and from a different perspective, revealing details that may have been overlooked in the busyness of daily life.

  1. πŸ™ Seeking God in prayer and recalling His past faithfulness can help us find hope and strength in our helpless situations, allowing us to overcome fear and trust in God’s deliverance and guidance.

3.1 Jehoshaphat recalls how God has worked in the past and turns to God in his current difficult situation, seeking guidance and help.

3.2 When feeling helpless, we should seek God in prayer and recall how He has helped us in the past.

3.3 Affirming our faith in God and recalling His past faithfulness can help us find hope and strength in our helpless situations.

3.4 Fear is a destructive emotion that can paralyze us, but we have the power to overcome it.

3.5 Believers have the power to overcome fear and move from fear to faith by choosing to trust in God and recalling past events of how God has worked.

3.6 When feeling helpless and gripped with fear, one can choose to stand before God, cry out to Him, and trust that He will deliver and provide guidance, even if circumstances seem hopeless.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in God’s power and love, confess your helplessness, and rely on Him for guidance and transformation in difficult situations.

4.1 You are a child of an omnipotent God who loves you unconditionally, and no obstacle or enemy can overpower you because God is your helper and the Holy Spirit lives within you.

4.2 We must not only cry out to God, but also confess our helpless feelings and not rely on our own abilities, as pride can hinder our willingness to seek help from the Lord.

4.3 Feeling helpless is not a bad thing, as it can lead to relying on God and experiencing transformation in life, but denying this feeling out of pride can be detrimental.

4.4 There are certain circumstances and situations that we cannot handle on our own, and we need to learn to cry out to God for help and rely on His grace and guidance.

4.5 In times of helplessness, we can cry out to God and admit our inability to change the situation, relying on Him to intervene and bring about a change.

4.6 Acknowledge that God is the only one who can help when feeling hopeless and helpless, as he encourages us in our times of need.

  1. πŸ™ In times of difficulty, we should trust in God’s guidance and focus on Him, as He is there to strengthen and help us through our moments of helplessness.

5.1 Jehoshaphat acknowledges his powerlessness against the enemy but declares his trust in God and emphasizes the importance of maintaining focus on Him.

5.2 In times of difficulty and hardship, our focus should be on God, as only He can provide the love, help, and guidance we need.

5.3 In the midst of a difficult situation, a man receives a message from God encouraging him not to fear or be discouraged because the battle is not his, but God’s.

5.4 In difficult circumstances, we should open our eyes to see God’s presence and open our ears to listen to what He is trying to say, being sensitive to His guidance and encouragement.

5.5 God is a compassionate and loving deity who desires to guide us through our moments of helplessness with his unconditional love, but unfortunately, this is not the perception that the world or many Christians have of him.

5.6 God is there to strengthen and enable believers in their moments of helplessness, and He acts on behalf of those who wait for His direction.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in God, take action, and obey His instructions even when they seem unreasonable, because He will intervene in our lives for our benefit.

6.1 When we feel helpless, we often seek advice from others, but God has never said that things are beyond all possibility or that He doesn’t know what to do.

6.2 God is the source of our energy and strength, and in times of need, He encourages us to take action.

6.3 They felt helpless, but became encouraged and trusted God, leading to a shift in their faith and a message of encouragement from Jehoshaphat.

6.4 Put your faith in God, trust Him, and give thanks for His everlasting kindness; when the king trusted the Living God, the whole nation became encouraged and confident, even though God required something that seemed ridiculous and would lead to defeat.

6.5 God instructed the army to put the choir and orchestra in front and march towards the enemy, despite the expectation of hand-to-hand combat, in order to demonstrate that the battle was the Lord’s.

6.6 In moments of helplessness, God requires us to trust Him and act in obedience, even when it may not seem reasonable to others, and when we do, He intervenes in our lives for our benefit.

  1. πŸ™ Trust in God in difficult situations, as He can handle our battles and fulfill His promises, allowing us to witness His amazing work in our lives.

7.1 We can trust in God to handle our battles and difficult situations, even though we may not like them, because we can witness His amazing work in our lives.

7.2 There is a thrilling joy in being helpless and watching God work in your life, even in difficult times, because it allows you to see God’s promises being fulfilled and his perfect plan unfolding.

7.3 In difficult situations, we should consider if God allowed it to happen in order to speak to us, and sometimes the battles we face are not our own but God’s, so we should trust in Him and let Him fight for us.

7.4 Trust in God and anticipate His miraculous intervention in our circumstances, as demonstrated by Jehoshaphat’s success in battle when they praised and trusted in the Lord.

7.5 When we wait upon the Lord and respond to our helpless situations in a way that honors and pleases him, we will always come out with more than we expect and more than we deserve.

7.6 Jehoshaphat’s key to success was following the principles that work in life, which will always be effective when we walk right with God.

  1. πŸ™ God’s principles in the Word have proven to work in countless lives, guiding and transforming us through any circumstance, leading to a deep relationship with Him.

8.1 I asked God for a miracle when I felt completely helpless, and by following His principles, He worked a miraculous thing in my life.

8.2 The principles in the Word of God have been proven to work in countless lives, and God will guide and help you through any circumstance, leading to transformation and a deep relationship with Him.

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