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Why Does Prophecy Matter?: Jimmy Evans


📚 The topic of Klaus Schwab and the world economic forum’s connection to the mark of the beast is a fascinating and intriguing subject that will be discussed in the upcoming prophecy conference.

💡 The conversation in the video explores the idea of a one world government with the Antichrist in control, which is believed to be the mark of the beast.

😮 The realization that everything the speaker thought was good in the new age movement was actually the opposite, and that Christians are the ones exposing the plans of the Antichrist Kingdom.

📚 Over 500 specific prophecies in the Bible have already come true, highlighting the relevance and accuracy of prophecy in our present time.

💒 As the bride of Christ, Christians should be excited about the approaching wedding day and the unveiling of Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation.

🌍 “We get everything back that Adam and Eve lost in the fall plus some, we get new bodies, we get to go home to be with Jesus, we get to go back in the presence of God, the fullness of joy and pleasure.”

😱 Depression, anxiety, and suicide rates are at an all-time high due to the terrifying events happening in the world, which aligns with Jesus’ prediction that men’s hearts will fail them from fear.

😇 The future described in prophecy offers a new heaven and earth, free from sorrow, sin, and even the presence of the devil and demons.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that understanding and discussing Bible prophecy is important for Christians as it brings hope, addresses fears, and reminds believers of their bright future, leading to increased excitement, energy, and evangelism in the church.

  1. 📚 A global movement led by the same person pushing for a global economic reset is planning to introduce human research, aiming to improve on God’s creation, as discussed in the book and documentary “Klaus Schwab: The World Economic Forum and the Coming Mark of the Beast” by Pastor Billy Crone.

1.1 A global movement led by the same person pushing for a global economic reset is also planning to introduce human research, aiming to improve on God’s creation, as discussed in the book and documentary “Klaus Schwab: The World Economic Forum and the Coming Mark of the Beast” by Pastor Billy Crone.

1.2 Join the Tipping Point prophecy conference on with speakers including Pastor Billy Crone, Pastor Ed Young, Dr. Tony Evans, Dr. Mark Hitchcock, and Rabbi Jonathan Khan, discussing the end times and the book and documentary “Class Swab.”

  1. 🔍 The speaker discusses the convergence of events leading to a one world government with the Antichrist, highlighting the need for global harmony and blaming Christians for hindering this goal, while emphasizing the Bible as the only book that exposes the plan for a one world religion, economy, government, and society.

2.1 The speaker discusses the convergence of events in the world today that he believes will lead to the establishment of a one world government with the Antichrist in control, which he sees as the mark of the beast.

2.2 The speaker, a former New Ager involved in the occult, believed in the need for global harmony, one world government, religion, and blamed Christians for hindering this goal.

2.3 There is a real plan to establish a one world religion, economy, government, and society, and the Bible is the only book that exposes it.

  1. 🔮 Prophecy is a major theme in the Bible, with over a thousand specific prophecies, and churches not teaching on it has left Christians unaware of what’s coming.

3.1 The enemy has been trying to get rid of the Bible because it accurately predicts the rise of the antichrist, but even though he can’t eliminate it, he has convinced churches to not teach on Bible prophecy, leaving Christians in the dark about what’s coming.

3.2 Prophecy is a major theme in the Bible, with one in 30 verses discussing the return of Jesus, making it the second most mentioned doctrine after salvation, and there are over a thousand specific prophecies in the Bible, with over 500 already fulfilled and the rest currently coming true.

  1. 💡 People find comfort and encouragement in discussing the end times and eagerly anticipate the fulfillment of Revelation prophecy as the bride of Christ.

4.1 People who watch the Tipping Point and comment on feel comforted and encouraged when listening to the speaker discuss the end times.

4.2 Revelation prophecy is a blessing that spiritually prospers and brings joy to those who read and take to heart its words, and as the bride of Christ, we should eagerly anticipate our approaching wedding day rather than fear it.

  1. 🔮 Christians should discuss prophecy to bring hope, address fears, and remind believers of their bright future, leading to increased excitement, energy, and evangelism in the church.

5.1 Some people want the world to continue as it is, but when Jesus comes, we will receive new bodies, regain everything lost in the fall, and experience eternal joy and pleasure in the presence of God.

5.2 Pastors should discuss prophecy because it brings hope and addresses the fears and anxieties of people, leading to increased excitement, energy, and evangelism in the church.

5.3 Christians are distracted, worldly, apathetic, and indifferent because they are not reminded of their bright future in which they receive new bodies, go to heaven, and participate in the millennial Kingdom with Jesus.

  1. 🔮 The future of escaping hell and experiencing a new heaven and Earth without sorrow, sin, or demons is not bad news, but rather a blessing and remedy for Christian apathy.
  2. 🔮 Understanding and teaching Bible prophecy is important because Jesus is coming soon, and when he returns, there will be a judgment where Believers will go to heaven and be rewarded for their works.

7.1 Jesus is coming soon and when he returns, he wants our lives to have meaning beyond ourselves, which is why understanding and teaching Bible prophecy is important.

7.2 Jesus will come back and there will be a judgment of Believers and unbelievers, with Believers going to heaven and being rewarded for their works.

  1. 💡 Subscribe to for $7 a month or $77 a year to access all the content, including podcasts and more.

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