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Wisdom For Life’s Trials: Charles Stanley


πŸ˜‡ “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter various trials,” knowing that the testing of your faith produces endurance.

😊 “Consider it all joy, my brethren, when you encounter trials.” – Trials and joy may seem contradictory, but understanding God’s viewpoint can bring joy even in difficult times.

πŸ€” “In order to have a deep sense of joy during trials, we need wisdom to view things from God’s viewpoint and respond according to scriptural principles.”

🧠 Wisdom is viewing things from God’s viewpoint and responding accordingly, enabling us to face trials confidently and triumphantly.

🌟 “The proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ.”

πŸ™ We often pray the most when things get the worst, showing our dependence on God during trials.

πŸ’ͺ The trial will prove to be good if I respond in faith, as it can strengthen my faith and develop Christ-likeness in me.

πŸ™ The most important thing in life is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, surrendering our lives to Him and trusting Him to take care of us.


TLDR: Trials and hardships in life are opportunities for growth and spiritual development, and by responding with faith and perseverance, we can triumphantly overcome them.

  1. πŸ“š Trials and hardships are a necessary part of life that test our faith and produce endurance, and we should find joy in them as they lead to growth and completeness.

1.1 Why does a loving and all-powerful God allow his children to go through painful trials, and where is God in the midst of natural disasters and heartache?

1.2 The Word of God teaches that we should consider it joy when facing trials, as they test our faith and produce endurance, leading to perfection and completeness.

1.3 Ask God for wisdom without doubting, as doubting leads to instability and receiving nothing from the Lord, and instead, glory in your circumstances and persevere under trials to receive the promised crown of life.

1.4 Trials and joy may seem incompatible, but according to God’s perspective, we are to find joy in various trials that we encounter in life.

  1. 🌟 Find joy and survive life’s trials by reverencing God, viewing things from His perspective, and responding according to scriptural principles.

2.1 Rejoice and find inner calmness, peace, and assurance when facing unexpected trials, as they serve a purpose.

2.2 To find joy and survive trials in life, it is important to have wisdom, which involves reverencing God, viewing things from His perspective, and responding according to scriptural principles.

  1. πŸ”‘ Responding to life’s trials involves seeing as God sees, following scriptural principles, evaluating circumstances and people, making decisions based on past experiences, present situations, and future plans, and reflecting on how God has worked in our lives, as wisdom enables us to face trials confidently and triumphantly, as God allows trials to test our faith and produce endurance.

3.1 Responding to life’s trials involves seeing as God sees, following scriptural principles, evaluating circumstances and people, making decisions based on past experiences, present situations, and future plans, and reflecting on how God has worked in our lives.

3.2 Wisdom enables us to face trials confidently and triumphantly, as God allows trials to test our faith and produce endurance.

  1. πŸ”‘ Going through trials strengthens our faith and tests our devotion to Christ, allowing us to truly know our level of obedience.

4.1 We can rejoice in trials because they prove and strengthen our faith, leading to praise, glory, and honor when Jesus Christ is revealed.

4.2 Going through trials and tests in life is valuable because it proves and strengthens our faith, and it also tests our devotion to Christ.

4.3 You can only truly know how obedient you are when you are tested and given the choice to obey or not obey.

  1. πŸ”‘ Trials are opportunities for God to show His love and power, and to shape us into Christ-like individuals, so we need wisdom to respond properly.

5.1 Trials in our lives are opportunities for God to demonstrate His love, power, and care for us, and to produce a Christ-like spirit in us.

5.2 God is always at work in our lives, making us more like Christ, and we need wisdom to discern the proper response to life’s trials.

  1. πŸ™ Trials are designed by God to strengthen our faith and help us grow, and by responding with perseverance and faith, we can triumphantly overcome them.

6.1 To rejoice in trials, one must believe that God is in control of the time and intensity of the trial and that He has a specific purpose for it.

6.2 God has a purpose and design in mind for the trials He allows in our lives, tailored to meet specific needs.

6.3 God designs trials to fit His purpose in our lives, and if we respond in faith, they can be good for us by strengthening our faith and helping us grow.

6.4 Believing that trials are opportunities to demonstrate perseverance and develop Christ-likeness allows one to respond confidently and triumphantly.

  1. πŸ™ Trials help us grow spiritually and trust that God has a plan for us, so acknowledge your feelings, trust in Him, and be ready to positively influence others.

7.1 Trials help us measure our spiritual growth and maturity, as God works in our lives to make us the person He designed us to be, giving us peace and assurance that He will walk with us and accomplish something good in the end.

7.2 Acknowledge your feelings and frustrations to God, as He already knows and understands, and trust that He will continue to guide you through difficult times.

7.3 God knows what He’s doing in your life, even when you complain, and He loves you too much to give in to your complaints because He has something awesome planned for you, so respond to trials and hardships with wisdom and readiness to be a positive influence on others.

  1. πŸ”‘ Having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ is crucial in times of trials, as he is the only one who can truly take care of every aspect of our lives.

8.1 In times of trials, the support of loved ones may be helpful, but ultimately there are certain things they cannot do for you.

8.2 The most important thing in life is having a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, as he is the only one who can truly take care of every aspect of our lives.

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