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You Will Rise Again: T.D. Jakes


πŸ’Ž “The real crushing started when God became man, as He stripped Himself of His glory and humbled Himself down to His soft parts.”

🌟 “God incarnate, the staggering amazing reality that God would put himself in the jail of flesh.”

πŸ’ͺ “Don’t own that pain, don’t own that suffering, don’t own that agony, don’t own that grave, don’t own that depression, don’t own that suicide, don’t own that loneliness if rent it if you must but don’t own it because by Sunday morning you’ll be out of it.”

πŸ™ “I’m chasing god because he knows me. He knows what I can do. He knows what I can build. He knows what I can handle.”

πŸ‡ “Self-control does not take grapes and turn them into wine. The wine dresser has to do that and if you ever hope to be what god created you to be you have to submit yourself into his hands and know that he knows exactly what tools to use to bring out the best in you.”

πŸ’ͺ “He wants you to live and if your life is unbearable it might be because you’re leading someone else’s life.”

🌟 The attention to detail in our lives is a sign of the masterful work of the divine, who knows exactly what we need to become who we are meant to be.

πŸ’ Everything we attain in this life will eventually become irrelevant, reminding us of the temporary nature of material possessions.


TLDR: The key idea of the video is that through Jesus, God became human to understand and empathize with our struggles, and we should trust in God’s plan for our lives and focus on what truly matters.

  1. πŸ‡ God chose to strip himself of his glory and become vulnerable as a man, which was the true beginning of the crushing process, even before the cross.
  2. πŸ™ Jesus willingly became human to understand and empathize with our struggles, so that through him we can be born again and freed from sin and death.

2.1 God, in the form of Jesus, willingly confined himself in human flesh, despite being omnipresent, in order to experience the limitations and struggles of humanity.

2.2 Jesus experienced hunger, tiredness, and betrayal so that he could understand and empathize with our feelings, and through him, we can be born again and liberated from the curse of sin and death.

  1. πŸ™ God became human, went through crushing, died, and shocked heaven, but knew he would rise again; don’t believe your current situation is permanent, just borrow pain temporarily.

3.1 God humbled himself by becoming human and going through a crushing, giving up his power and will, dying and shocking heaven, but ultimately knowing he would rise again.

3.2 Don’t believe that your current situation is permanent, because you will rise again; don’t own your pain, suffering, or loneliness, just borrow it temporarily.

  1. πŸ“š Seek your individual purpose from the creator, as only God knows and can handle you, despite your multiple sides and past mistakes.

4.1 The purpose of our existence and how to achieve success lies in seeking our individual purpose from the one who created us, as only he knows us better than we know ourselves.

4.2 I have done and said shocking things, and as I get older, I realize I have multiple sides to me, but God knows me and knows how to handle me.

  1. πŸ™ Trust God, realize your potential, overcome challenges, and achieve greatness.

5.1 God knows what we need to be successful and fulfill our purpose, so we must submit ourselves to Him and trust that He will bring out the best in us.

5.2 You are capable of more than you realize, and when you understand your true potential, you can overcome any challenge and achieve great things.

  1. πŸ“š Live your life free from pride, envy, competition, and the need to measure up to others, as your strength and character are built in your low places; trust God not because you’re good or strong, but because you have no other choice and must rely on Him in difficult times.

6.1 Live your own life, free from pride, envy, competition, and the need to measure up to others, as your strength and character are built in your low places.

6.2 We trust God not because we are good people or strong Christians, but because we have no other choice and must rely on Him in times of difficulty.

  1. πŸ‘‰ We are helpless without God, just like clay without a potter or grapes without a venter, and we should trust that he knows exactly what we need to become who we are meant to be.
  2. πŸ’‘ Everything in life is temporary, so be prepared for what’s next and focus on what truly matters.

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