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Your Pain Prepares You for Your Purpose: Michael Todd


🌊 The deep is not for devastation, but for preparation.

🚒 Sometimes, in order to fulfill your purpose, you have to leave behind those who can’t join you on the journey and be willing to go alone.

🌊 Dwelling in the Deep does not excuse the storm, but it prepares you to face it with Jesus by your side.

🌊 The blessings are often found in the deep, meaning that sometimes you have to go through the storm to reach your destination and fulfill your purpose.

πŸŒͺ️ The darkest and deepest places of our lives can prepare us for our greatest victories and purpose.

πŸ’ͺ “In this world you will have a storm, but take heart, I your anchor, I’ve overcome.” – Michael Todd

πŸ€” Trusting a seemingly idle God in the darkness of your situation can be challenging, but remember that he is the God of all-knowing.


TLDR: Embrace hardships and challenges in life as opportunities for growth and preparation for your purpose.

  1. 🌊 The deep is not for devastation, but for preparation; leave behind those who weigh you down and delay your destination, as your boat is not built for everyone.
  2. 🐎 Focus on your purpose and eliminate distractions in order to reach your destiny in a timely manner.
  3. πŸŒͺ️ Trust is lacking and the speaker expresses frustration, feeling isolated, but having Jesus in your life prepares you for storms and prevents deception and giving up.

3.1 Trust is lacking and the speaker expresses frustration, feeling that the deep is isolated and lacks companionship.

3.2 Having Jesus in your life does not exempt you from experiencing storms, but it is better to be prepared and aware of them rather than being deceived and giving up.

  1. πŸŒͺ️ Your pain and challenges in life are not excuses, but rather preparations for your purpose, as God sustains and teaches you through them.

4.1 Marriage, parenting, and challenges in life will still exist regardless of one’s religious practices or efforts to improve their situation.

4.2 Your pain and the storms you face in life are not excuses, but rather preparations for your purpose, as God sustains and teaches you through them.

  1. 🌟 The speaker shares a personal story about how going through a difficult time prepared him for success and encourages others to see their own challenges as opportunities for growth and purpose.
  2. πŸŒͺ️ Embrace hardships and storms in life with joy, as they strengthen your faith and endurance, preparing you for your purpose even in the darkest and most intense moments.

6.1 Hardships and storms in life are opportunities for growth and should be embraced with joy, as they strengthen our faith and endurance.

6.2 Your pain prepares you for your purpose, even when the storm gets darker and more intense, and you feel like you’re losing everything.

  1. 😴 Jesus slept during the disciples’ storm, showing that even in the midst of uncertainty, we must trust and wait on Him.
  2. πŸ’‘ Our mission at TBN is to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ worldwide and we are grateful for your support in making it possible.

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